Fan Fiction Archive
Page Version 1.51
This page will house any and all fan fiction I receive. Before anyone submits a piece of fiction to be posted here, there are a few rules that I expect to be followed, or else the fiction will never see the light of day on my site.
No Crossovers. I Dont want to see any
Deathlands meets Star Trek, X-files, Star Wars, or anything else
like that. If you want to write a fiction like that, don't send
it to me, as it will not be posted. No Exceptions.
Writing the characters doing something that is
totally out of character will not be tolerated. I will not post
anything in which Krysty throws herself at any man, or Ryan does
something cowardly, or JB refuses to show interest in a weapon.
I would prefer if any fiction written contains
original characters. Make up your own survivalists! Have the
characters set in the same world, but who have never traveled
with Trader or his crew.
Be Original. I don't want to read a re-hash of one of
the previous novels.
If you create a new form of mutant human or animal, I
don't want to see something totally ridiculous, such as a man who
can shoot laser beams out of his eyes, or a dog that can fly, or
anything else that strange. Any fiction sent to me with this will
not be considered for posting.
Finally, you can send the fiction to me in either
Word Format (five or higher), WP 5.1 or higher, plain simple
text, or even HTML format. No matter which format you send it, I
will convert it to HTML format.
That pretty much covers it. If I think of anything else that needs to be posted, I will do so.
Fiction Archive of Chris Van Deelen
A note from the author. I have left the stories in their original format, unedited and un-revamped. The reason I have done this is because it is an interesting study in the evolution of a writer. From barely skilled nobody to a aspiring wannabe. Currently, that is all I am, just an aspiring wannabe. But with perseverance and sweat, and story after story of practice, I might, just might, someday become a published author.
Deathlands Fan Fiction
From the future, to the Future: Part One
From the Future, to the Future, Part Two
From the Future, to the Future, Part Three
New Friends, New Enemies: Part One
New Friends, New Enemies: Part two
New Friends, New Enemies: Part three
Time's Enemy:
Part One
Time's Enemy:
Part Two
Time's Enemy:
Part Three
Time's Enemy:
Part Four
Time's Enemy
Part Five
Outlander Fan Fiction
Fiction Archive of Scott Gilbert
Fiction Archive of Mark Lefebre
Fiction Archive of Kris Kornelli
Fiction Archive of John Keane
Chapter 1 and 2: The road to nowhere
Fiction Archive of David Mitchell
Fiction Archive of Rodney Moorehead
Fiction Archive of Chris Chase
(Entry in
the Outlanders Fan Fiction Contest)
Entries in the Fan Fiction Contest!
Fiction from Renn.
Fiction from Ryan Marshall
Fiction from Ryan Wall
Fiction from Richard Coleman
of Passage Part 1
Fiction from Limbo
Fiction From Den
Fiction from Darren Parker
Fiction from Brad Marsh
Shadows of the Past (Entry in
the Outlanders Fan Fiction Contest)
Uncertain Futures
Part 1
Futures Part 2
Futures Part 3
Empire: Part 1
Empire: Part 2
Empire: Part 3
Empire: Part 4
Empire: Part 5
Empire: Part 6
Fiction from Adrianna Colon
First Chill Part 1
(Entry in the Outlanders Fan Fiction Contest)
Fiction from Erick Scroggins
Hell's Retribution Part 1
Humorous Fiction by Den
Fiction from Jack Clemons
Created on 07/14/97
Updated on 10/15/01