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Last Post 1/1/1900 12:00 AM by  Anonymous
You're wondering, "What the heck happened to the forum?!?"
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Ron Miles
Website Owner
Commander In Chief
Commander In Chief

4/20/2008 1:34 AM

    So, you are probably reading this thread and asking yourself what in the heck happened?  Where did all of the posts go?

    I can reassure you that nothing has been lost, all of those archived posts are still there.  I may yet decide to make them visible in an archive, but not just yet.  Here is what happened:

    I have been very unhappy with the forum software I have been using on the site since I moved to DotNetNuke.  At the time I did the migration, I did not like the stock forum that came with DNN so I went with a third party forum module that turned out to be not so good.  In particular, the "Recent Posts" piece on the home page has never worked which has frustrated me to no end.  A few months ago there was a major update to the stock DNN forum that fixed all of my issues with it, so I started thinking about migrating the forums there.

    Doing a full migration, however, is a huge headache.  I began to consider the fact that I am also unhappy with much of the history that has been accumulated on the forum over the past several years.  I blame myself for not being an effective moderator.  It occurred to me that perhaps a clean break would not be a bad thing.

    So here we are, a brand spanking new forum where we are starting from scratch.  As I said, at some point I will make the old forums visible as a read-only archive, but for now I would rather have a clean slate at least for a while.

    As always, your comments and suggestions are heartily encouraged, just head on over the the General Discussion forum and let me know what you are thinking.

    "Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
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