Harry Whittleberry 2 Basic Member Posts:116  
10/18/2011 5:49 AM |
why was only 3 books done for this story. i have found book 1 and book 2 but am still looking for book 3. does the story end or was it just stopped to allow mr axler to do deathlands books.
i like this story idea.
The Phantom Basic Member Posts:219  
10/18/2011 4:07 PM |
Earth Blood was one of many mini-series Gold Eagle put out in the early to mid 90's.
These were series designed to test the waters, to see what sold well and what didn't. Evidently there was not enough in sales to continue any of them, but eventually Outlanders became the series that sold enough to remain as a permanent series.
Wordsmith-repriseFreelance Editor  Basic Member Posts:150  
10/18/2011 4:20 PM |
I worked at Gold Eagle up until 1989. I can't speak about the later series, but the earlier ones were NOT designed to test the waters. They were always intended to be limited series.
Ron MilesWebsite Owner  Commander In Chief Posts:864  
10/19/2011 6:07 AM |
It's been at least a decade since I read the Earthblood books, but as I recall the story comes to a satisfactory conclusion while still leaving the door open for future stories (that never happened). But the pacing of the overall story was very definitely designed as a trilogy.
"Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
)3az )3aziahBritish Bloke  Veteran Member Posts:1060  
10/19/2011 1:18 PM |
If I recall -and I cant be bothered to go look at the moment, the 1st edition DL books ran ads at the back saying it was just a trilogy. Don't quote me on this but I'm sure they did.
=============================== Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.
Please check out my FLICKR photos
Jax2Published Author  Veteran Member Posts:269  
10/19/2011 2:03 PM |
I was told by both Eva Kovacs and Feroze that all of the GE trilogies were pilots for full series. Earthblood was no exception...the first couple of books did very well and there were preliminary plans to turn it into a full series after the third book. However, there was a such a long gap between the second book and the third, the sales on the final novel were so low the decision was made not to follow up with a series. There were other, more complicated issues at work, too.
Wordsmith-repriseFreelance Editor  Basic Member Posts:150  
10/19/2011 4:04 PM |
Baz, GE's director at the time--pre-Feroze--had intended Deathlands to be a limted series. That, I DO know for a fact. But if I recall correctly, the intention was for 6 books. However, the mind dims after 25 years. Well, at least this mind dims.
Ron MilesWebsite Owner  Commander In Chief Posts:864  
10/20/2011 11:33 AM |
I know in the supplementary material for Encounter, the pitch for Deathlands was very specifically targeted for it to really be the story of Doc's journey, ending with his eventual return to his family.
"Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
)3az )3aziahBritish Bloke  Veteran Member Posts:1060  
10/20/2011 11:38 AM |
Posted By Wordsmith-reprise on 19 Oct 2011 04:04 PM
Baz, GE's director at the time--pre-Feroze--had intended Deathlands to be a limted series. That, I DO know for a fact. But if I recall correctly, the intention was for 6 books. However, the mind dims after 25 years. Well, at least this mind dims.
Ah well that would explain a letter I have from GE that is about 20 years old telling me that the series had been cancelled after book 12 "Latitude Zero". I recall it arrived about a week before book 13 "Seeedling"  Oh the good old days eh...
=============================== Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.
Please check out my FLICKR photos
Harry Whittleberry 2 Basic Member Posts:116  
10/25/2011 4:58 AM |
it wold have been good if the series had gone on more than three books thou. i still need to get book 3 to see how it all ends. what other stories did gold egle do that had only a few books in them. they wold be good to read as it woldnt be hard to get all the books in the series this way.
The Phantom Basic Member Posts:219  
10/25/2011 10:47 AM |
LJ also wrote Survival 2000, a three book series for Ge under the name of James McPhee.
There were at least a dozen other three or four book series GE put out around that same time.