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Last Post 7/25/2012 6:56 PM by  )3az )3aziah
CRYPTOZOICA ebook kicking Carnotaur butt...saleswise!
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7/22/2012 1:52 PM

    Since mid-June, the ebook version of Cryptozoica is really racking up the one point last week, it was in the Top 20 of all ebooks available on Amazon, beating out some real heavyweights like James Rollins.

    Don't know why exactly, but I'm not about to look a gift Majungasaur in the mouth.

    If you haven't yet, give it a look...the price is right.

    The Phantom
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    7/22/2012 4:56 PM


    I am going to read my copy next after I finish a Bolan trilogy I am currently reading.


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    7/24/2012 11:29 PM

    Even though it's a little like closing the barn door after the Allosaurus has escaped, we finally got around to making a CRYPTOZOICA book trailer...mainly, my wife Melissa got around to it...she did a great job...proving again she's as talented as she is beautiful, if such a thing is possible.
    The Phantom
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    7/25/2012 4:59 PM

    Book trailers, I like that idea! That is a cool video, it makes me want to start reading it right now! 

    )3az )3aziah
    British Bloke
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    7/25/2012 6:56 PM
    Fantastic, and I notice you have a McLeod in on the team? Anything with one of us in it has to be fantastic

    As Phantom says, I too like the idea of a book trailer, it gives far more flavour to the book more than 6 lines on the back cover ever can.

    Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
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    Please check out my FLICKR photos
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