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3 Replies and 9022 Views Booklinks broken  9022  3 Started by  The Phantom The pulldown menu of the books don't take you to the books you select anymore. The previous book/next book arrows are still working though.
3 9022
by  The PhantomJump to last post
7/1/2014 12:27 PM
2 Replies and 6374 Views New posts page  6374  2 Started by  )3az )3aziah Ron, The new posts page appears to be playing up, it is only showing one new post in the list even if there are several unread ones since your last visit Tonight I knew I had eight unread posts but only got told about one when I visited the page, then after reading that post I was presented with the next 'new' post when I revivisted the page. Each time only one new post was listed despite several of the forums being marked with new posts on the main page. Jim
2 6374
by  )3az )3aziahJump to last post
11/2/2012 4:50 PM
1 Replies and 5418 Views What happened to the recent posts?  5418  1 Started by  Kerrick I liked being able to go to the front page and scan for recent posts on the forums. Is that function a victim of the new upgrade
1 5418
by  Ron MilesJump to last post
9/21/2012 9:46 PM
1 Replies and 5368 Views Cover Artwork  5368  1 Started by  Jake Corbett I have always enjoyed the artwork on the covers of the books. While the renderings of individual characters have not always matched what I have imagined, the overall look is always really great and you can spot a Deathlands book on a shelf from a long distance away. I was wondering if there is a reason why all of the books on the site are not displayed with the wraparound look as some are 
1 5368
by  Ron MilesJump to last post
9/14/2012 5:40 PM
0 Replies and 4948 Views Weird goings on  4948  0 Started by  silentalbino When I check the latest posts box on the Home page sometimes posts by other people dont turn up but when i check my hotmail account they are there. Not a big thing just thought you should know.
0 4948
4/19/2012 3:09 PM
2 Replies and 6126 Views Adding posts  6126  2 Started by  )3az )3aziah Ron, After adding a message to a thread you used to get returned to your new post at the end of the thread, now you get returned to the first post at the top of the thread, can we have it back the old way again  Jim
2 6126
by  )3az )3aziahJump to last post
4/4/2012 7:27 PM
5 Replies and 6751 Views Post reply box vanishing?  6751  5 Started by  Kerrick I just posted to the wiki thread, and my reply box kept disappearing - once before I posted, and again when I was in the middle of my post. Fortunately, it came back, but it was a little disturbing. What gives Is it just an IE error, or a site thing
5 6751
by  Ron MilesJump to last post
3/24/2012 12:19 PM
1 Replies and 5426 Views Great work, Ron.  5426  1 Started by  Duke Hey Ron, I just wanted to thank you for all the great work you put in for us.  The site is great and always up to date. Thanks, Duke
1 5426
by  silentalbinoJump to last post
2/20/2012 9:57 AM
0 Replies and 5095 Views Lost Lost Gates?  5095  0 Started by  The Phantom Was wondering about the missing info for Lost Gates Info on the next two books are there, and Lost Gates has been available for a few weeks already.
0 5095
10/31/2011 12:10 PM
7 Replies and 7836 Views E-Books?  7836  7 Started by  phasedenergy I looked but did not see an e-book section...I know there are quite a few titles out there in e-book format, and I do almost exclusively now, read e-books.It would be awesome to have an e-book susbscription so I never miss another title....anyone else have a thought
7 7836
by  KerrickJump to last post
10/19/2011 8:33 AM
4 Replies and 5782 Views 41 people online?!  5782  4 Started by  Kerrick Wow, I didn't know we were so popular. (Yeah, I'm sure that's a glitch, but it's still funny.)
4 5782
by  Harry Whittleberry 2Jump to last post
9/20/2011 4:23 AM
17 Replies and 9253 Views DL Authors  9253  17 Started by  Timbermountain Ron, you have a great web site and I appreciate what you do for us. I noticed the DL book list is not listing the true author name for recently released books. Any reason for that, or is there a way for us to find who the authors are
17 9253
by  silentalbinoJump to last post
8/28/2011 6:37 PM
2 Replies and 6005 Views Love the new Christmas pic  6005  2 Started by  The Phantom Hahaha that is a funny picture Ron. Merry Christmas!
2 6005
by  Ron MilesJump to last post
1/1/2011 8:28 PM
0 Replies and 6381 Views Latest reviews  6381  0 Started by  mikeclr Ron. Is there any way you could create a link to, or a section for, the latest reviews (meaning for DL and OL , or even Rogue Angel or Room 59, book reviews)
0 6381
by  mikeclrJump to last post
8/24/2008 12:18 PM
7 Replies and 7567 Views shopping at Amazon  7567  7 Started by  North Does Amazon support your site regardless of what is purchased there, or just books Cause I shop there a lot and would be glad to link to them through here to support the site. Best Regards.
7 7567
by  )3az )3aziahJump to last post
4/30/2008 3:19 PM
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