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Last Post 5/28/2012 8:00 PM by  )3az )3aziah
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5/27/2012 2:07 AM

At 62 also... Allthough I will not lend her any books of late because she still manages to spill foreighn elements on them. My mother reads more then anyone I have ever known. Her bathtub is full of books and they have to use the shower even though dad needs the whirlpools for his diabetic legs. It's no matter, my mother is a vat of knowledge when it comes to books she admires. She is her own personal library.


)3az )3aziah
British Bloke
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5/27/2012 9:08 PM
Posted By SP on 26 May 2012 09:08 PM

LOL. I read your initial message sir, and I appreciate the reasoning behind it. However I am at most an overcrazed fanboy of Mr. James work.

I posted that before reading your other post and then amended it. I will PM you tomorrow.

Where do you hale from?



Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

Please check out my FLICKR photos
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5/27/2012 9:44 PM

Bangor Maine. USA


Freelance Editor
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5/28/2012 12:23 AM
Just down the road a couple of hours from me in New Brunswick. Yahoo. Someone else who knows about whoopie pies!
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5/28/2012 12:53 AM
Posted By SP on 26 May 2012 03:21 PM
Also Didn't Rick Ginsberg die holding onto an American flag that they stole out of a museum in Russia?


Yes he did. They also sang the American anthem to him, but he died before they finished.

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5/28/2012 12:56 AM
Posted By Wordsmith-reprise on 28 May 2012 12:23 AM
Just down the road a couple of hours from me in New Brunswick. Yahoo. Someone else who knows about whoopie pies!

I give it up for poutine!

)3az )3aziah
British Bloke
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5/28/2012 8:00 PM
Posted By SP on 26 May 2012 09:08 PM

LOL. I read your initial message sir...

PM sent.


Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

Please check out my FLICKR photos
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