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Last Post 3/20/2013 5:18 PM by  silentalbino
It's the 80's all over again!!!
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6/23/2012 9:59 PM

    With the new's off yet more 80's remakes(Top Gun, Robocop) my Question is this- what 80's film(s) would you like to see get a (decent) remake?

    And on the other hand what films would you be loath to get the same treatment?

    Feel free to mention any other films from different decades

    )3az )3aziah
    British Bloke
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    6/26/2012 11:43 AM
    They don't make "decent" remakes any more. Remakes today are always a poor imitation of the original filled with cant act teens who think they are the greatest and best looking thing since sliced bread. Then they have to add 3d to the mix.

    Leave old films alone, come up with new ideas like they did back when they made the film they now want to desperately re make.

    Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
    Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

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    6/26/2012 12:37 PM
    Has anyone seen the remake of Psycho, i've not but i've been told it's an exact copy but in colour. What was the point in that.
    Totally agree with your sentiments about 3d, I personally F-ing hate it.I read that someone is making a TV show of Barberella.No one will come close to doing Jane Fonda credit. She was one sexy lady.
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    3/18/2013 9:10 AM
    I see Red Dawn is getting remade WTF. Don't mess with a "Masterpiece".
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    3/18/2013 11:15 AM
    I heard it was garbage. I think classic B-movies CAN be made bigger and better, if one has all the right stuff to make a better modern-day version. They didn't.
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    3/18/2013 12:43 PM
    Apparently North Korea invades America. Very likely!!!
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    3/20/2013 3:49 PM
    I fear i may be in the minority here but what about a "touching up" of the 70's/all time classic, Jaws. Love the film, one of my all time favourites. Great cast, fantastic score... Dirty great lump of rubber. Wouldnt want the film entirely re made, just "bruce" given a cgi make over. 80's wise, ET springs to mind. Think i was the only kid in the cinema that cheered when he caught the last train and cried when he disenbarked.
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    3/20/2013 5:18 PM
    Aye Jaw's could be amazing with all the latest Technology. I'm still afraid to get in the water when i'm in Tenerife!!
    Could'nae remake E.T. Sacrilege mun.
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