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Last Post 12/18/2014 8:55 AM by  Randarchist
What is your scariest Deathland Mutant?
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7/3/2012 2:29 PM

    Been reading this series since book 1 came out.  Always satisfied.


    Recently I read Hell Road Warriors and the worms up in Quebec that take over your body must be hands down the worst mutant to grace the Deathlands.


    )3az )3aziah
    British Bloke
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    7/3/2012 4:04 PM

    Sorry, I had to edit that reply as I misread the question I thought it said silliest

    The scariest muties have to be the original stickies as depicted by LJ. They just struck me as being just evil and relentless. OK it was back in the 80's before such things as Silent Hill and Res Evil. Now I guess they are as shocking as Granddad in his slippers



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    7/4/2012 12:39 AM

    MY scariest DL mutant is Mildred.


    Oh and the Flea people from Labyrinth.


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    7/21/2012 12:57 AM
    I have to agree with Jim about the stickies bein the scariest.I also found them to be something I would never want to encounter as LJ wrote them.But thats not to say that the authors now a days don't do them credit.Grim also brings up another mutant,I'm not home right now so I don't have my books to research this one,but wasn't there a plant that would get inside you from the ground and not only control you but change your skin so you kinda looked like a tree?
    Advanced Member
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    7/23/2012 10:29 PM
    On the wiki there is a "Vine Master" and a "Tangler"?
    When In Redoubt
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    8/31/2012 6:10 PM
    Definately Stickies--that whole being torn apart in chunks while still alive, yeah, shudder. Though anything with human or human like intelligence that runs about trying to eat people is also on the list.
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    9/8/2012 2:34 AM
    It is a toss-up between the giant spiders or the giant scorpions . Both creep me out. In fact any giant insect in the series creeps me out.
    Mildred's attitude
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    9/10/2012 2:44 PM
    I like your style. F*** Mildred.
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    2/15/2014 9:34 PM
    What about Howlers! Those are scary and the only reason the group survived the one that caught up to them is the redoubt activated an anti-radiation supression device. I cannot remember the name of that book but I think it might have been Sky Raider.
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    2/15/2014 9:43 PM
    They're pretty scary, the book was Prodigal Return. Anything that hard to kill shouldn't be living.
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    2/16/2014 10:43 AM

    The Howlers are comical as compared to muties introduced in the new DL book, Hanging Judge.

    But I will not ruin it for peeps out there that have not read it yet. 

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    5/11/2014 10:23 PM
    On the water I believe the Kraken is a very scary and tough to kill mutie. Although there seems to be different kinds of Kraken . I believe that they started out as Bio-weapons but got away and turned wild . There are freshwater ones of hugely different sizes and saltwater ones . All seem to have started out life as some kind of Squid/ cuttlefish cross on super growth hormones . I would hate to run into any of them for sure.

    On dry land the Drinker would be scary thing to encounter although they are not too mobile . Hellhounds have to one of the scariest highly mobile monsters/bio-weapons in the deathlands. For scary wonder inducing fear, I think that Chuck's Thunderbirds (Giant Eagles) would be quite high on my list. But his Zombie Worms take it as the most terror inducing critter so far introduced into the DL's.
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    5/20/2014 9:14 PM
    As much as I was a big LJ fan the Orca-Shark from Dectra Strain was the absolute silliest ever for obvious reasons.  The scream wings on the other hand...damn cool and very far ahead of their time.  LJ must of been a huge proponent of Dino evolution.
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    5/21/2014 10:18 AM
    Too be honest I'm not a big fan of any of the oversized muties. I much prefer Human opponents for the DL gang. The scream wings are scary. Mark Ellis made his mark on the series with them.
    New Member
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    5/21/2014 1:56 PM
    Oh the screamwings came that late? Hmmmmmm...thought they were LJ. Been so long since I re read those early books. Hats off to Mark then once again.
    Advanced Member
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    5/21/2014 5:00 PM
    They debuted in the amazing "Stoneface".
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    9/24/2014 5:51 AM
    Hey, Grandad wearing ONLY slippers could be downright horrifying
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    12/18/2014 8:55 AM
    Kristy is kind of a scary mutant, especially in Mexico City.

    Just saying.
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