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Last Post 8/5/2012 1:47 PM by  Jax2
Always nice to be validated--
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7/26/2012 12:30 PM
    Although this won't have much of an effect on GE scribes (except hopefully for me), it's always nice to have your suspicions validated. 


    Advanced Member
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    7/26/2012 4:52 PM
    My mouse won't connect to this link of yours. ??
    Advanced Member
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    7/26/2012 9:31 PM
    If you follow the forum and it was e-mailed to you it works. Well well Harlequin "alledgedly" doing something bad.
    )3az )3aziah
    British Bloke
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    7/27/2012 6:03 PM
    Posted By Maximus on 26 Jul 2012 04:52 PM
    My mouse won't connect to this link of yours. ??

    You young 'uns...

    Do it the old fashioned way and copy/paste it into the address bar.




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    7/31/2012 3:17 AM
    Wow... this quote from Laura Resnick just made me laugh:

    For example, in 2007, I got allr rights reverted to a title I’d published with Harlequin. In 2009, I found out that, months after the reversion, they’d gone ahead and published an ebook of that title. This was in direct violation of my copyright.

    I assumed it was a careless mistake and could be resolved with some ordinary, sensible, businesslike behavior, i.e. I’d notify of them mistake, and they’d say, “oops,” immediately remove the title from sale, and send me a fiscal accounting and an aplogy.

    Well, after two months of trying, without any sucess whatsoever4, to get their legal department simply to respond to my letters, I asked the NINC Legal Fund to help me, and I got a lawyer to contact them.

    After TWO MORE MONTHS of their legal dept giving this lawyer the most inane, bizarre, sulky, juvenile, unprofessional run-around, we finally got this resolved… which is to say that Hq removed the title from sale and sent me a fresh copy of the old reversion papers. Nothing else was ever achieved, and their unprofessional, unbusinesslike behavior and stunningly legal ineptitude made me come within a millimeter of suing them… For a problem I’d started out thinking was an honest mistake which we could resolve quickly by acting like businesslike adults.
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    7/31/2012 11:05 AM

    I would've laughed too, but the situation was all too familiar.

    Advanced Member
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    7/31/2012 11:24 PM
    Mark, I hope one has spoken to several high powered attorney's.
    Basic Member
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    8/3/2012 1:01 AM
    It was more of a disbelieving laugh (accompanied by "Wow. Just... wow") than a funny laugh.
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    8/3/2012 12:48 PM
    Well...think I how feel.

    There are lots of tales I could relate that make Laura's experience seem like a minor misunderstanding...but I'm not going to show my cards on a public forum.

    Suffice it to say--You might remember I posted here some time ago that the main reason I'm not writing Outlanders is because I had the temerity to ask the former executive editor some questions about Harlequin's bookkeeping methods.

    Regardless of anything else, that was the trigger.
    Basic Member
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    8/4/2012 11:47 PM
    I guess I'm having trouble communicating effectively lately. What i meant was, "holy crap, Harlequin is really screwing people over".
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    8/5/2012 1:47 PM
    No, you conveyed that sentiment quite well.

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