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Last Post 11/5/2012 9:40 AM by  Maximus
An author's book and how it becomes a screen play
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Basic Member
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11/4/2012 9:11 PM
    This has allways been a ? for me,and bein there r allot of writers and authors here what better place to ask this.when does an authors book get changed into a screen play so a movie can be made from it?Does the author have anymore say in his book once it has been "picked" for a movie?or does the screen writer read said book and make changes he thinks he needs to "pull" off the movie?
    Advanced Member
    Advanced Member

    11/5/2012 9:40 AM
    Well, from all the books turned to movies that I have seen, YES! Hollywood usually screws the pooch with great books. The Deathlands TV movie is a fine example.

    But, sometimes, like in the John Carter movie, the movie is as good, if not better than the book.
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