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Last Post 10/14/2013 10:52 AM by  silentalbino
Anyone Read the Dire Earth Trilogy?
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10/3/2013 1:15 AM

    Wow, man, what a great new writer this Jason M. Hough is!

    This brand new sci-fi post-apocalyptic trilogy is pretty damn awesome thus far. I am just about finishing up the last 100 pages of the 2nd book - The Exodus Towers - and I can't help but feel the first 2 books have remided me strongly of a perfect bland of Deathlands meest Outlanders. (Especially Outlanders)

    Has anyone tried these books? Feels like very early Mark Ellis Outlanders. 



    )3az )3aziah
    British Bloke
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    10/3/2013 6:35 AM
    didn't even know they existed!!! I will check them out on Amazon.

    Thanks for the heads up.

    Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
    Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

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    10/8/2013 12:22 PM
    Got this ages back still haven't gotten round to reading it. Busy reading another off your recommendation's " Cannibal Reign".
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    10/8/2013 1:16 PM

    Oh, great! I personally loved Cannibal Reign. And so has everyone I've recommended it to.

    What do you think so far? If you like realistic sniper novels, that author also co-authored a great action book titled Sniper Elite. Highly recommended! 


    I am currently halfway through Dire Earth book 3. Very good, but so far loved the 1st one best.

    Advanced Member
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    10/8/2013 6:00 PM
    Only at chapter seven but looks to be quite good. One of the characters is alarmingly called Harold Shipman.
    (Google him)
    )3az )3aziah
    British Bloke
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    10/10/2013 6:45 AM
    Posted By silentalbino on 10/8/2013 6:00:13 PM
    Only at chapter seven but looks to be quite good. One of the characters is alarmingly called Harold Shipman.
    (Google him)

    Is he a doctor in it? I wonder if the writer checked his character names before starting, then again his editor should have spotted this one.

    "... I just need to give you a small needle, it may sting a little but the pain will soon go away..."




    Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
    Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

    Please check out my FLICKR photos
    Advanced Member
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    10/10/2013 11:09 AM

    Ha ha Jim, you bad man

    He really is a Doctor in it but a Dr of Astronomy, thank god

    It's weird reading it because I keep of thinking of that beardy nutter!

    Advanced Member
    Advanced Member

    10/11/2013 2:24 PM
    Just finished it. Cracking read, great character's,action scene's and a grand story.
    Finger's crossed there is a sequel but he has said on another website that Harper Collins aren't happy with the volume of books sold.(Bummer)
    Advanced Member
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    10/14/2013 10:27 AM
    What book did you just finish Silentalbino? If it is the Darwin Elevator, then the last DL, then I have to agree with you. I actually think the 1st book is the best of the trilogy.
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    10/14/2013 10:52 AM
    sorry it was cannibal reign. just started reading Skydark by our very own Mr Philipson.
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