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Last Post 11/12/2014 11:04 PM by  Randarchist
Guardians of the Galaxy and other upcoming movies
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Advanced Member
Advanced Member

2/19/2014 10:33 AM

    Has anyone seen this new trailer for this Guardians of the Galaxy?

    Never heard of this, but seems to be generating a lot of buzz.

    I really like what I am seeing during the Olympics with this Captain America Winter Soldier. Looks better than the first movie, which I liked. But this newer one looks even better.

    I just watched the new Riddick movie and loved it. Anybody see this? Some very cool creatures and dark humor that was actually done very well. Like to see more of this character.

    Advanced Member
    Advanced Member

    2/20/2014 8:30 AM
    I liked the new Riddick movie, especially the Hyena/dog thing it was pretty cool. Guardians trailer looks good probably on a par with the Avengers but we will see.The first Captain America film eas to me CRAP so I think ill wait til that's in the £3 basket at Asda before I take a look.
    Two films I would highly recommend are Dallas Buyers Club and the Wolf of Wall Street, these are great and very well acted films.
    Advanced Member
    Advanced Member

    2/20/2014 10:34 AM

    Yes, i have to totally agree with you there. Saw Wolf of Wall street a couple of weeks ago, and it was tremendously entertaining for such a long film.

    And Riddick's alien dog rocked! Hated to see him get killed, however. 

    Advanced Member
    Advanced Member

    5/12/2014 6:26 PM
    Really looking forward to the film "Lucy".
    New Member
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    5/20/2014 8:39 PM

    Not a CA fan or any of the avengers for that matter.  Took the kids to see Godzilla in 3D today.  Give it a 9.9 simply for the fact the move spent a ton of time setting the new franchise up.  At times seemed like a 2 hr trailer.  The new King of The Monsters himself though is a rock solid ten. Hopefully the next two installments will now be able to focus on the action.  Great flick though.


    New Member
    New Member

    5/20/2014 8:41 PM

    My apologies...saw the trailer for Guardians OTG today....looks like its worth a peek.


    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    9/24/2014 5:03 AM
    Cool aliens: check.
    HOT aliens: check.
    Bad assed Chris Foss designed space ships: check.
    Splosions!!!: check
    Howard the Duck: check

    Yes, GotG was 100% awesome.
    New Member
    New Member

    10/29/2014 5:00 AM
    Excellent movie to watch i refer it people to watch this movie once, marvel always give something new to all the viewers after x-men series i think guardians of the galaxy become a new series, inspired from the movie me and my friend buy maroon outfit wearing by Chris Pratt it a great cloths for me if any one want this outfit then he you should visit this site. i give this site 10 out 10 for this outfit.
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    11/12/2014 11:04 PM
    That's pretty cool.
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