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Last Post 10/12/2014 3:43 PM by  Randarchist
So what series are we all watching these days?
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New Member
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5/20/2014 8:48 PM
    Currently watching all of the Law and Order seasons in between following Vikings, GoT (who isn't?), and Hannibal.  Hannibal seems to be far too intelligent for the general public therefore I fear it will fail before the planned 5th, 6th, and 7th season. I still can't take my eyes off Myriska Hargatay either so still watching L&O:SVU, Criminal minds and Five Oh.  Big Bang and Mike and Molly are my weekly laughs.
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    5/21/2014 8:20 AM

    I've currently watching Fargo which is amazing, Prey which was on ITV which was good and Revolution.

    The Island with Bear Grylls Channel 4 is great.

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    New Member

    5/21/2014 9:16 AM
    Fargo is good? I'm a wait and see type with new series I usually only start watching after first full season or two. I love the movie so I may get going on this one in a few weeks. Martin Freeman is brilliant as Watson on Sherlock so I'm confident of his role in this. They have changed the names from the movie right? He's Nygaard instead of Lundygaard.
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    Advanced Member

    5/21/2014 10:15 AM
    Its very good mate, very dark but very funny. There is some amazing acting by Freeman and Billy Bob. Yeah he is now Nygaard.
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    10/11/2014 1:12 PM
    I'm a Walking Dead fan. But Hell on Wheels is a close second.
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    10/12/2014 6:38 AM
    Just waiting for Boardwalk Empire to come out on DVD.
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    10/12/2014 3:43 PM

    Posted By <span class='af-profile-name'>silentalbino</span> on 10/12/2014 6:38 AM
    Just waiting for Boardwalk Empire to come out on DVD.

    That is an excellent series, indeed. One of the best HBO has produced.
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