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Last Post 10/12/2014 3:51 PM by  Randarchist
Deathlands VS Fallout
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8/4/2014 4:34 PM

    For those who know that video game series I was in a rather heated argument on which was the worst place to be in.

    Both are basically the same premise, Post apocalyptic America But i still say Deathlands is a far worse place to be in. there are WAY more muties in DL

    Personally I would love to see Deathlands made into a video game much like Fallout    

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    10/12/2014 3:51 PM
    Yeah, DL is a worse place. I'd much rather be stuck in Fallout. If I run out of ammo there, I can go around looking in sock drawers and under old hats to stock up. Lol
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