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Last Post 9/15/2009 8:15 PM by  )3az )3aziah
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9/14/2009 10:33 PM
    Since it was brought up, if you want a great zombie RPG I suggest that you look up Year of the Zombie. It's designed to be used with Wizards of the coasts D20 modern rpg book.

    There are a large number of source books available for it, and two adventures as well.

    Personally, I ran the game for about 6 months, and it was fun. The rules were a bit quirky for my taste, as I honestly prefer to run more realistic type games (GURPS, perfect for the level of 'realism' you want to employ).

    I digress....

    Also, several times I've mentioned that I've edited RPG books. They're the Darwin's world campaign, something that any Deathlands fan would enjoy. I've edited quite a number of the books.

    There are a HUGE number of books available for it most of them being adventures.

    Finally, I've been working on writing adventures (one complete in the play test phase), and I've been working on an 'advanced' rule book for a old school game called Mutant Future. It's essentially the 1st edition Gamma World rpg.

    I have no idea if or when the adventure will be published, but the owner of the company was quite keen to get his hands on some material.

    Best part of Mutant Future is that the PDF is free.

    So, there you have it. I have spoken numerous times about RPG's and now I've got the links and data up for those of you who are actually interested.

    New Member
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    9/15/2009 6:16 AM
    Back in the day when I used to play RPG's there was an excellent game system that was easily adjustable for DL.  It was called Twilight2000.  It was a military based game.  The storyline was based on basic survival after WWIII.  While it was primarily a military RPG, it wasn't hard to custom create profiles for zombies, muties and the like.  The resource books for weapons, vehicles and such were quite extensive as I remember.  I did an search and turned up a whole pile of resource books,

    GRRRRR I wish I could paste links here.  Keep getting message "Your browser does not support pasting rich content"  I had no idea a simple link was considered "rich content" as it has no html code in it...  Just do a search for twilight 2000 or Twilight 2013 and you'll find them

    T2000 didn't have any of the scifi content such as Mat Trans units, or redoubts or implode grenades but it shouldn't be hard to make up stats for them. 

    I ran my own game for almost a year in '90 before I moved away from my old group.  The real funny thing is, I had't a clue about DL while I played this game.  If I had known and had read a few books, my game would have been SOOO much better.
    The Phantom
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    9/15/2009 7:01 PM
    Aww... and here I thought this topic was gonna be about rocket-propelled grenades.

    I could never get into RPGs, I never understood the fun in them, even if the worlds and monsters and such were interesting.  The blend of video games with RPGs has always been more my style.
    An RPG based on OL would be pretty cool I would think.
    )3az )3aziah
    British Bloke
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    9/15/2009 8:15 PM
    Another great RPG system that would suit a DL or even OL setting was Aftermath! by FGU (Fantasy Games Unlimited) a rather complex yet highly rewarding game that I Ran and played in for around 10 years of my ill spent youth.
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