My son and three others from Freestyle Kung Fu went to a martial arts tournament on Saturday.
Out of the four who entered, they managed to bring back a total of 8 trophies.
Gary, he and his friend Bryan placed first for Team Forms.
Gary then got second for Sparring and individual forms.
The others did great as well, but I won't go into it. But here are the photos....
From Left to Right - Colton, Bryan, John Paul and Gary

From Left to Right - Master Friesen, Gary, Colton, John Paul, Bryan and David.

Master Friesen, Bryan and David

And finally - Master Friesen, Myself and the Clown, David

There, you all now can see that I wasn't full of crap when I said I was taking Shaolin Kung Fu and that I was a yellow belt! Here's the proof! =)