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Last Post 8/25/2011 4:37 AM by  silentalbino
Favorite post-apoc series?
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4/25/2010 7:59 PM

    I have been reading the Deathlands series and enjoying them quite a bit. I have heard of these other series listed below but not read any of them.

    How would you all rate them compared to the Deathlands books? Which is your favorite and why?

    Dooms Day Warrior

    Im considering trying one of them but not sure which to start with.

    New Member
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    4/26/2010 1:56 AM
    Personally I enjoyed Doomsday Warrior the most of the three. BUT, my own personnel favourite small series was the Phoenix series by David Alexander.
    New Member
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    4/29/2010 11:33 PM
    Dooms Day Warrior was ok by me.
    DeathLands is by far the best I think.
    "Looks Like We Time Trawled Us A Real Triple Dickhead"
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    5/11/2010 8:38 PM

    A good comic book series that is post apocalyptic was called "Hex".

    It was based on the comic western character Jonah Hex who was sent into the far future.

    He even had one eye (glass) and carried 2 .44 caliber 6 shooters and a bowie knife.
    The world he was in was very similiar to DeathLands.
    It was out in the early 80's.

    "Looks Like We Time Trawled Us A Real Triple Dickhead"
    Jeff Sichta
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    2/15/2011 10:06 PM
    "The Guardians", by Richard Austin aka Victor Milan
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    2/16/2011 7:24 PM
    If we were including videogames then I just want to express my lurve for "Fallout" esp "Fallout 3", the kind of great game Death Lands would make.
    )3az )3aziah
    British Bloke
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    2/17/2011 3:03 PM
    Posted By Gazhack on 16 Feb 2011 07:24 PM
    If we were including videogames then I just want to express my lurve for "Fallout" esp "Fallout 3", the kind of great game Death Lands would make.

    Although I have played Fallout3 to death (197+ hrs of game play with the same character) and still have one add one plus miles of wasteland to search completely, I cant get into New Vegas?

    Its the same but not somehow!
    Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
    Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

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    2/17/2011 5:23 PM
    Not tried New Vegas yet. Heard it's good but a bit buggy.

    I've had two characters a guy and a gal. I made the girl a redhead in honour of Krysty and Brigit
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    8/25/2011 4:37 AM

    I've read 2 of the Phoenix series so far(waiting for a third) i would recomend them to you sir. Read the first chapter of one of the survivor series could not get into it at all. I also read one of the Doomsday books(the third 1 i believe) would highly recomend it.
    As to fallout new vegas i say give it a chance as it is 10 times better than fallout3.

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