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Last Post 2/1/2011 7:33 PM by  Wallace D
What are your biggest pet peeves concerning the DeathLands series?
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5/25/2010 6:14 AM
    Mine are the clothing,(lack of change or any addition too)
    The weaponry (very outdated gear and poor choices)
    The lack of an overall plot.(such as what the hell are they doing/looking for)
    The lack of any new characters being added to the group,like Mildred and Michael Brother,or even Jak?
    The amount of times the group is captured and loses all their weapons,but yet always gets free and recovers them.
    The fact that the series has strayed so far from the original vision of Jack Adrian and Laurence James..
    The fact that the Mat Trans Jumps seem to be history.
    "Looks Like We Time Trawled Us A Real Triple Dickhead"
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    5/25/2010 7:44 AM
    Doc's clothing stays the same, but everyone's does change from time to time. Krysty still has her bearskin coat and boots--though she'll get rid of them one of these days, I assume--Jak still has his camo jacket and Ryan still has his scarf with the weighed ends. J.B. has his leather jacket. They all change underwear, have new trousers, shirts, jumpsuits--whatever. So please stop flogging this dead horse. Unless you are referring to the hat, leather jacket, blue boots, scarf, camo jacket...
    )3az )3aziah
    British Bloke
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    5/25/2010 3:08 PM
    Biggest peeves I have:

    Poor quality of writing since some point around the mid 40's in a majority of the books.

    Lack of continuity.

    Re-characterisation of the main characters from book to book depending on the authors whims.

    Lack of story direction and development.
    Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
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    5/25/2010 3:15 PM
    Posted By )3az )3aziah on 25 May 2010 03:08 PM
    Biggest peeves I have:

    Poor quality of writing since some point around the mid 40's in a majority of the books.

    Lack of continuity.

    Re-characterisation of the main characters from book to book depending on the authors whims.

    Lack of story direction and development.

    A more eloquent way of what I was essentialy trying to say.
    In other words,I agree sir!
    "Looks Like We Time Trawled Us A Real Triple Dickhead"
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    5/25/2010 3:20 PM
    Posted By Wordsmith-reprise on 25 May 2010 07:44 AM 
     So please stop flogging this dead horse. Unless you are referring to the hat, leather jacket, blue boots, scarf, camo jacket...

    Hahaha,I assume you are teasing me.
    Since I just joined here there is no such thing as "flogging a Dead Horse".LOL.
    Btw,Thanks for explaining that they do seldom change their clothes up a bit.
    It's just in every book I read it seems they never change anything.
    Then again I have missed alot of the books in last 10 years.
    "Looks Like We Time Trawled Us A Real Triple Dickhead"
    Corporal Chaos
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    6/1/2010 9:57 AM
    I think I am most peeved that all the time they spend travelling around and Dean and Jak have not aged. Come on how many years have they been travelling and Dean is still 12? Ah well. They even left him at the brody school for 2 years was it and he didn't age. Jak had a family and he is still 16...... Pet peeve indeed. Still love the story. Just my 2 cents.
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    6/1/2010 2:41 PM
    My biggest peeves are the lack of an apperent overall goal/plot.

    No effort by the characters to even attept to figure out how to use the Mat Trans. All it would take is documenting the settings before you jump. there has to be some sort of pattern to their use.
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    6/1/2010 3:17 PM
    The author of Dark Emblem, Terry Collins introduced a situation wherein Mildred found a computer that had all of the mat-trans destination codes. She copied it to a CD. This was supposed to be an ongoing plot device.

    But with the usual sharp editorial attention to detail and continuity that has made Gold Eagle so reknowned, it was completely forgotten about by the next book.

    Nary a mention of it since.

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    6/1/2010 4:27 PM
    Posted By Wordsmith-reprise on 25 May 2010 07:44 AM
    They all change underwear, have new trousers, shirts, jumpsuits--whatever. 

    Where the heck would they find new clothes? 

    A 200 hundred year old Target?
    "Courage is not a man with a gun in his hand. It's knowing you're licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what." - Atticus Finch
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    6/1/2010 5:34 PM
    Mike, some of the redoubts had clothing. Ryan's Bastard--good point. Mark, Mildred lost the CD in one of the books. Convenient, I suppose, but the companions have had their stuff taken from them on numerous occasions.
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    6/1/2010 7:14 PM
    Posted By Wordsmith-reprise on 01 Jun 2010 05:34 PM 
    Mark, Mildred lost the CD in one of the books. Convenient, I suppose, but the companions have had their stuff taken from them on numerous occasions.

    "Convenient" wouldn't be my word of choice, but it would still start with a "C".
    )3az )3aziah
    British Bloke
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    6/1/2010 9:31 PM
    Posted By Wordsmith-reprise on 01 Jun 2010 05:34 PM
    ...Mildred lost the CD in one of the books...

    Which book was that?
    Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
    Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

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    6/2/2010 6:28 AM
    In all fairness I'm only up to #10...but Mildred so far is my biggest problem.

    She's just too perfect.

    Meh, if I wanted to think a lot, I'd re-read The Road, or pick up something by Octavia Butler (c:
    )3az )3aziah
    British Bloke
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    6/2/2010 2:10 PM
    Posted By Q. on 02 Jun 2010 06:28 AM
    In all fairness I'm only up to #10...but Mildred so far is my biggest problem.

    She's just too perfect.

    In what way is she too perfect ?
    Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
    Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

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    6/2/2010 2:30 PM
    This a great subject for a thread. For me it's the inconsistent quality in the writing. These days you grab one new DL book and it's great and the next one is outright garbage. I've been reading DL since the late 80's. When I first discovered Graphic Audio I bought older DL books in that format to catch the books I'd missed while driving to work. Now I tend to buy them in audio form because I don't have as much time to read as I'd like and I don't want to waste my reading time on a bad novel. I can burn off a bad audio DL while commuting. How sad is that ?
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    6/2/2010 10:59 PM

    Inconsistent quality indeed.

    The reason the series boomed was because it was very consistent because LJ (and the notable first 3/4 authors after) was hammering them out as quality works instead of todays newbie to the books author junk to make Gold Eagle some fast cash.
    Makes me want to weep for the loss of Laurence James.

    "Looks Like We Time Trawled Us A Real Triple Dickhead"
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    6/3/2010 6:46 AM
    Posted By )3az )3aziah on 02 Jun 2010 02:10 PM
    Posted By Q. on 02 Jun 2010 06:28 AM
    In all fairness I'm only up to #10...but Mildred so far is my biggest problem.

    She's just too perfect.

    In what way is she too perfect ?

    In what way is she *not*? Doctor, Olympic sharpshooter, perfectly healthy... When I got to the part where they found her my jaw just dropped. It was pretty much a "you got to be kidding me" moment. Again, there are a lot of other things I could be reading if I wanted in depth flawed realistic characters...I read Deathlands because they're fun little romps. Mildred was just too much for me though.
    Millennial Man
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    6/4/2010 12:28 AM
    My biggest pet peeve is people saying Outlanders is better than Deathlands. Which it is not.
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    6/4/2010 5:21 AM
    Everyone has his or her favorite, and they both bring something different to the party.
    )3az )3aziah
    British Bloke
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    6/4/2010 7:15 AM
    Posted By Millennial Man on 04 Jun 2010 12:28 AM
    My biggest pet peeve is people saying Outlanders is better than Deathlands. Which it is not.

    Please don't try to start another flame war over which series is better than the other.

    Both series are now in the same boat :

    Both had a good author at the helm
    Both lost that author and had them replaced with multiple writers which resulted in lost continuity between books and a wide range of writing quality.

    So I would say that both series are now as poor as each other making your comment pointless.
    Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
    Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

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