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Last Post 2/1/2011 7:33 PM by  Wallace D
What are your biggest pet peeves concerning the DeathLands series?
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6/4/2010 11:09 AM

I agree with )3az)3aziah that it is not prudent to start a war over which is better,but in all fairness I don't think Millenial Man was trying to do that.

There does seem to be a bit of a slightly more fanatical devotion to one title over the other and DL only fans do tend to get flamed if they say anything negative about OL while the OL fans seem to trash DL w/impunity on (occasion)

I like both  titles,one more than the other (will not say which one) but the British Bloke is right that both are suffering the same fate.

They started off w/solid writing and a direction w/excellent authors (original creators) and now both are written by less talented authors by far and the books are nowhere near as exciting to read as they originally were.

"Looks Like We Time Trawled Us A Real Triple Dickhead"
Millennial Man
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6/6/2010 12:04 PM
What should be done is that whoever writes Deathlands should go back reading the old books. This is to see what put Deathlands on the map. If that means writing a different take on the series so be it.
Granted the book is supposed to be fiction and I really don't need to read about how many times they change their underwear. Weapons well could be changed but at this stage why. Do we want to Change Kane weapons I think not. In every book of fiction there will be something that ticks someone off. That is the nature of the beast.
Now I read posts about Harelquin and how they are interested in profits and not the series. Has anyone meaning authors or others talked to the CEO of the company only. So far its seems not to my eyes.
Now on a personnel level do I mind if charcter acts differently then what a previous book showed him to do the opposite action. No, because in real life everyone does that. It just have to have a good story.

)3az )3aziah
British Bloke
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6/6/2010 4:29 PM
Posted By Millennial Man on 06 Jun 2010 12:04 PM
What should be done is that whoever writes Deathlands should go back reading the old books.
I put this to one of the DL writers a while back (no names here but it sounds like Potato!) and get a terse reply back that he wasn't paid to read old books and if he wasn't paid for it he wasn't going to do it...

So research to allow him to do something he IS getting paid for doesn't fall under the aegis of the paycheck?

Go figure...
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6/6/2010 4:30 PM
Posted By Millennial Man on 06 Jun 2010 12:04 PM

Now I read posts about Harelquin and how they are interested in profits and not the series. Has anyone meaning authors or others talked to the CEO of the company only. So far its seems not to my eyes.
If you think the "CEO" of Harlequin is going to talk to a GE author about the profit versus quality issues in DL, you don't understand the hierarchy/pecking order of the corporation. GE as a whole is small potatoes compared to the romance divisions; GE authors and DL are skin blemishes on small potatoes.

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6/9/2010 4:46 AM
Reading all 33 of the first books by LJ should be mandatory work for any new author as research to write any new DL book.
They are getting paid to write a great mans legacy and their laziness is shitting on all true DL fans and tarnishing the memory of LJ as well.
"Looks Like We Time Trawled Us A Real Triple Dickhead"
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11/9/2010 7:31 PM
I have never had any pair of foot wear or article of clothing last more than 4 years and I'm not running around post-apocalyptic Earth. They must have some pretty bad foot fungus because I can't sail a 3 month trip without having to buy Tinactin.
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11/10/2010 11:23 AM
You must have missed the part where they're constantly swapping out clothing in redoubts. I, personally, have had blue jeans last for 5-6 years at least; I once had a pair of sneakers last for 7 before I wore the treads off them (I figure I ran close to a thousand miles in them - 2-3 miles a day, 5 days a week, in the Army).

Combat boots are sturdy and made to last (though they've changed those out too), and Krysty's had her cowboy boots resoled a few times.
)3az )3aziah
British Bloke
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11/10/2010 1:54 PM
Posted By Kerrick on 10 Nov 2010 11:23 AM
You must have missed the part where they're constantly swapping out clothing in redoubts....

I can't remember the last book the group started in a redoubt and actually searched it -that was quite some time ago though.

You have to remember that even a new pair of jeans to them are already almost 100 years old off the shelf !

Boots too.

Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

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11/10/2010 4:05 PM
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11/11/2010 11:36 AM
I haven't missed any part. I compared the fact that I wear out my clothes usually within 4 years and I have an active life. Their lives are far more adventurous and active. The books never really provide an accurate passage of time from book to book. It's been 25 years (approx) since I read the first book and everyone remains ageless. But that's another annoyance.
No matter how many times you resole your boots, fungus still happens. Unless the radiation has done away with athletes foot.
I was trying to make a funny. Guess it got lost in translation.
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11/11/2010 2:39 PM
I don't have one, I love death lands grew up reading them, have read them all so has my brother and father and now my brother in-law is hooked on them. It's just fiction.  
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2/1/2011 2:19 PM
I agree with the reduced quality. i'll never forget being excited to read the next book because the previous one ended (Dectra Chain?) with a boat Captain/Pirate telling Doc he'd say hello to Emily for him (or something similar) but it was never talked about again. That has happened A LOT. I went to Iraq with a guy who writes for other similar titles and he said that 1) The writers are just doing it for a paycheck and so don't care.
2) GE would not allow them to mess with the canon (adding to or deleting from the known Deathlands universe.)
3) It's pulp fiction and nobody should care that much.
Gotta say, as someone who's bought EVERY book, didn't really like those comments very much. Maybe if GE could be convinced they would make more doing doing it the right way we could see better quality.
Wallace D
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2/1/2011 7:33 PM
malacoda I completely agree with you, come on guys/gals although the later books aren't as good as the early ones they are still good books even with the inconsistencies, It is Fiction so we cannot expect every little detail to be true to life, even in real life people change over the course of time including their personalities, their are many consistencies in the books along with the inconsistencies.  I haver personally read every book to date and listened to every audio book of it to date and I have read alot of the outlanders books and IMO they are good books too.  I have my favorite books but IMO all of the deathlands books are good and I dislike none of them.

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