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Last Post 3/2/2011 8:34 PM by  TuefelHundenIV
Help with a DeathLands Article
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2/19/2011 11:15 PM
    Greetings folks.  I have wondered over from a nother site to ask for some help with an article on said site about DeathLands. 

    I am posting in general because I was unsure where to place it.

    The site in question is The site is dedicated to catalouging both media and the various methods and tools of telling stories.

    I have started the article on the site for the DeathLands series.

    I have only read the first book to date and would like some help fleshing out the works page for the series.

    What exactly do I want help doing well first I need volunteers who know the series I have already scoured the site I came from and have found no one else that is familiar with the series enough to help me work on the article.

    I still need to do some work to set up the page because of the many book titles involved and seperate them in a manner that is appropriate to the site.

    Any one who volunteers can visit the site and create a log in and PM me there at TuefelHundenIV and we can get things rolling.  Of course you can also wander around the site reading it.

    Thank You Folks for your Time.

    Forgive my lack of familiarity with how various links are handled here or if I misplaced this post.
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    2/20/2011 11:54 AM
    Welcome! You'll find lots of folks here with near-encyclopedic knowledge of the series  (sadly, I don't happen to be one of them - I've only read about half the books); you can also check out the wiki for tons of information about the series. If you have any specific questions, you'd probably be better off posting them here for answers.
    New Member
    New Member

    2/20/2011 4:29 PM
    Even only having read half the books would be a huge help. I did notice the wiki and I would need to sit down with the page and its soon to be new layouts and begin sorting information. But that will be separate project unto itself.
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    2/22/2011 1:00 AM
    Oh, I forgot to mention:

    You mispelled Strasser's name;

    You've got teleportation listed twice;

    And you could add "shadowy government programs" to the list.
    New Member
    New Member

    3/2/2011 8:34 PM
    Ahh thanks. 

    After talking over with some folks we can just go ahead and just add examples as we find them.  Unless there turns out to be a ton of tropes there will be no need for specially separate pages for each book. 
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