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Last Post 10/1/2011 8:40 PM by  ShadowTek
Gold Eagle Books
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9/25/2011 6:23 PM
    Hi, OK Ive read a few posts here, some by authors, am I right in guessing that the authors don't like Gold Eagle? I don't buy the books, just the GA but out of curiosity,  why do the authors dislike GA?

    Did they take too much control away from them or something? Were they too controlling?  I'm just wondering why they seem to hate the company they wrote for? I don't know anything about GA but find this weird little fact kinda strange, am I missing something?  Sorry if I'm hitting a nerve or something, but I do find this really curious.
    Ron Miles
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    9/25/2011 6:45 PM
    Hang on, I need to go make some popcorn...
    "Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
    Freelance Editor
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    9/25/2011 7:06 PM
    Too funny, Ron!!!
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    9/26/2011 5:56 AM
    Yeah, having your livelihood nearly wrecked by largely ego-fueled machinations at the very same time you're dealing with the death of a best friend and a deathly ill daughter ---

    That's quite the knee-slapper, all right. I'm still laughing about the comedic timing.

    Oh, wait---


    No, I'm not.
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    9/26/2011 7:35 AM
    Mark, I wasn't commenting on the circumstances of anyone's relationship with Gold Eagle, and I apologize if you got that impression. I was commenting on Ron's popcorn comment, anticipating fallout from an earlier comment.
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    9/26/2011 8:43 AM
    Be that as it may...

    ShadowTek, you're operating under the same misapprehension as a lot of people.

    "Gold Eagle" isn't a company unto itself, it's an imprint of Harlequin Enterprises. One of many imprints, I might add...however, Gold Eagle operates totally differently than any of the other HQ imprints.

    Hate is far too strong of a term, especially if you think that emotion is directed toward what basically amounts to a name, a logo and a couple of editorial type folks.

    I've alluded to the general circumstances of why I was prevented from continuing with Outlanders a few times, but I'm not going to go into tortorous detail on a public forum ...especially for entertaimment purposes or to satisfy idle curiosity.

    If someone from Harlequin with authority wants those details, they know how to contact me.

    But I'm certain they're aware of them and have been for quite some time.
    Basic Member
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    9/26/2011 9:53 AM
    Im sorry guys this post was a bad idea and doesn't seem that productive as it has obviously upset some people, and that wasn't my intentions, perhaps Ron you should delete this thread Ron so it doesn't upset any more people.. sorry about that guys..
    Basic Member
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    10/1/2011 8:40 PM
    Ok, as this topic is still here..

    @ Mark, sorry man, didnt mean to stir up any bad feelings or memories man.. sorry my friend.

    To other authors, I guess the reason I asked this, is as a fan and having no knowledge on how books are made or whats involved...

    Do you guys that write the books.. Do you write it, then hand it in, then areas get red inked, then you have to replace what they didnt like? Or do they tell you what you have to write about? Do you have to ask permission to say add a companion? Or make a crossover with outlanders? Do you have to run the story you make through GE before you write it, or can you create at will? I guess this was more of the type of thing I was wondering about..

    Im just wondering how much control you have over the manuscript you submit to GE? I know nothing about being a author, so was just curious along these lines of things.
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