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Last Post 11/14/2013 11:37 AM by  Maximus
Just finished the latest Dl and OL...
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11/14/2013 11:37 AM

    ...and I have to say, DL wins this round - again.

    But I wasn't too crazy about this end-of-the-year last DL. (But OL was much worse, I am sad to say.)

    The latest OL had another interesting concept, but after reading half the book, I was so not caring about the storyline, I just quit to read something better in my slush pile of books to read.

    Insofar as Motherlode goes: I keep seeing a couple of things that keep happening in this series that I don't get.

    1: When Victor Milan pens a DL story, I also seem to notice how Ryan treats Mildred like shit. Ryan is always seemingly short with her. Pretty much telling her to shut the fuck up. I wonder why this is?

    2: How come the companions are ALWAYS so reluctant to tell others that Mildred and Doc are freezies and time trawled peeps. There are times that it is totally safe to say so, so why not?

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