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Last Post 1/21/2013 5:50 AM by  )3az )3aziah
where to start
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1/17/2013 8:27 PM
    I'm looking for a good jumping on point in the outlanders series. preferably available in ebook. where should I start?
    )3az )3aziah
    British Bloke
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    1/18/2013 2:45 AM

    Greetings and welcome to the board.

    I'm not sure which, if any, of the books are available as E-books as i'm an old fashioned kind of bloke and still crave the feel of paper when I read

    As said in the sound of music...
    "start at the very beginning, its a very good place to start..."

    I think you should start with book one of the series as this sets the scene and introduces a majority of the characters to you, then read them in order. All the earlier books are  (with two exceptions0 written by the series creator Mark Ellis follow on from one another In a continuous story arc. After Mark "left" the books became less connected and dropped off in quality.

    This is just my own view here others may have a different view. I stopped reading them after Mark stopped writing them as to me they were no longer the books I used to enjoy reading.


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    Ron Miles
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    1/20/2013 4:29 PM
    Posted By )3az )3aziah on 1/18/2013 2:45:24 AM After Mark "left" the books became less connected...

    That's just factually not true. You may or may not like the more recent books, but the storylines have been very much connected with long-running plot threads, character developments, and strong book-to-book continuity.

     Regarding a jumping off point, I agree that the best place to start is at the beginning. Failing that, Children of the Serpent is also a good place as that is when the Annunaki Overlords come center stage. If you want to start with even more recent books, the current story arc featuring Ullikummis as the Big Bad begins with #54, Oblivion Stone, and wraps up with the current title #63, Genesis Sinister. If you were to start one book earlier with #53, Infinity Breach, that is a particularly good Doc Savage pastiche that is a solid standalone story and which also hints at the following story arc.

    "Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
    )3az )3aziah
    British Bloke
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    1/21/2013 5:50 AM
    Ooops, its another of those English (English) / English (American) things going on here. What I meant by "less connected" was that the books no longer followed a progression pre developed in a single writers head. With several people working on the series the feeling of smooth progression and character development was lost.

    I'm not trying to be the new Mark Ellis "Chief M" here, I'm just stating my own views and as I said at the tail end of my post I stopped reading them after Mark stopped as they were no longer what Ii enjoyed.

    Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
    Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

    Please check out my FLICKR photos
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