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Last Post 9/4/2013 11:08 AM by  Maximus
Can Chuck Rogers please pen an Outlanders?
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8/29/2013 11:32 PM

    Outlanders needs a fresh author that has proven to kick-ass and revive a series with fresh blood and guts, ie Deathlands.


    So, I am placing a request for this tremendously talented author to breathe some fresh new life in the Outlanders universe. 


    Since you flexed your writing muscles into science fiction in regards to getting off the Bolan field and playing a couple of solid sets in the James Axler universe, and proven to have major skills at it, can you flex those writing muscles a wee bit further, ya think?

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    9/1/2013 1:57 PM

    That is very kind of you, Maximus.  I currently have my next Deathlands three quarters done, then have two Stony Man books for the Executioner series to write in my current contract.  Should I be given the opportunity I have several more Deathlands stories in mind I would like to write.  If I ever venture into the Outlanders it will be some time in the future or a case of GE suddenly having a OL slot unfilled and they call and say "Here's the OL Bible!  Muck in, Rogers!"


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    9/1/2013 7:31 PM

    Appreciate the reply, Chuck.


    I don't know how these things work at GE publishing.


    Why is it that the Deathlands series has had multiple writers, at least 5 to 6 writers on board, while Outlanders only has 2?


    Trust me, I'd much rather you write a Deathlands book, and damn glad you are! But just would like to see some other creative writers trying their hand at the Outlanders series. Since newcomers like you and John Helfers have come in and added some much-needed fresh stroylines in the DL universe, why not Outlanders?


    Can anyone explain why one series has 3 times as many as its sister series?


    I figured if any writer wanted to pen one or the other, you just submit your work to the publisher. And if it passes muster - you're on.

    So how does it work?

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    9/4/2013 6:22 AM
    General observation here:

    I'm gonna say this about the stuff I've created over the years--some of it has been successful, some not so much.

    BUT--and this is a real big BUT-- if I hadn't created OUTLANDERS and been stuck just knocking out work-for-hire Bolan and Deathlands books, trying to squeeze one more dime out of other people's creations, I doubt I would've lasted at Gold Eagle more than a couple of years.

    There's no career traction doing that, and certainly no real money.

    The same attitude can be applied to Marvel and DC, too, as much as I love so many of their characters. At some point or another, a creator has to actually create.

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    9/4/2013 11:08 AM

    Not quite sure what you are trying to say.

    Are you intimating that it is not worth any writer to take an established series and try to expand it?

    Perhaps actually move on in regards to characterization that hasn't changed in X amount of years?


    Both series needs this immensely. Especially Outlanders.


    Reading David Golemon's EVENT series, which reminds me strongly of the Cerberus crew, is kinda a perfect example. In the EVENT series, there are two main characters, much like Kane and Brigid, who actually move their relationship along throughout the series. With only a recently new 8th published book, Colonel Jack Collins and Archeologist Sarah McIntire of a secret group fall in love, have issues, and have gotten back together again - in just 8 books! Along with all the sci-fi action/adventure that makes this Best-Selling series a page turner.

    I don't see why in this series the two main characters, Kane and Brigid, can't be sexual beings AT ALL. If the powers at large are afraid to have the writers write themselves into a box, then just have them have casual sex on the side. Or just act human - by having, at the very least, sexual thoughts and feelings towards something or someone! Everybody else - including nerdy Lakesh - is getting laid.


    But not Brigid and Kane.

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