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Last Post 1/8/2014 5:06 PM by  )3az )3aziah
Bring Back Rosie...Please?
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WoT Vet07
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1/6/2014 6:04 PM
    I'm tired of Brigid's dispassionate logic and lack of personality.  Isn't it time for her to get kidnapped and brainwashed again?  She was a lot more interesting in her Brigid Haight persona.  I was hoping her time spent with Rosalia at the nunnery would have her acting more feisty but it doesn't seem like it.  I noticed that when Kane gave a "shout out" to Rosalia in Cosmic Rift that Brigid didn't even bother to kid him about his pretty amiga.  I am hoping for Rosie to make a guest appearance soon to liven things up, maybe she could present Kane with a puppy fathered by Dog that she mysteriously found.  The mutt could be mean to everybody except Kane who somehow manages to win its loyalty and obedience. 
    Advanced Member
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    1/7/2014 11:09 AM

    God FORBID that ANYTHING changes in Outlanders.

    Brigid is, and seemingly ALWAYS will be frigid Brigid. Kane and sexless drone, despite running into tons of sexy women, both bad and good. Only Lakesh and Domi and Grant get laid in this series.

    Rosalia is an interesting character. But it seems she's doomed to be boring, due to the people in charge of the series. Kane may notice that she is a hot senorita, but he's obviously hiding SOMETHING in his closet.

    WoT Vet07
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    1/7/2014 5:47 PM

    I think Kane respects Rosie's "no attachments" rule, but it's obvious that she likes him in more than a casual way.  From what I surmise, Kane empathizes with her sentiment that caring about anything / anyone too much is a weakness which inevitably leads to disappointment. I'm surprised Rosalia didn't try to pump Brigid for information when they were together in Genesis Sinister.  I don't think she buys into the anam-chara thing, and it is possible that Rosie thinks Kane and Brigid have an "unspoken" relationship.  She is much too proud and strong willed to be the "other woman" of a love triangle.  Maybe, deep down she is old fashioned and traditional and doesn't believe that any Magistrate Man would make the corresponding commitment that she would require.

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    1/8/2014 1:28 AM
    All you typed sounds good, but you are wayyy over thinking this. There will never be a relationship, because those two writers just like Mark Ellis, for some reason don't want to have Kane and Brigid act like regular human beings. Ya know, ones with sexual drives and urges.
    )3az )3aziah
    British Bloke
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    1/8/2014 5:06 PM
    Ever.thought that maybe Brigid and Kane are just not attracted that way to each other? Close friends and soul mates yes, lovers no?

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