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Last Post 4/6/2009 2:20 PM by  Daniel
next outlanders...Death Cry
 15 Replies
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New Member
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8/23/2008 1:46 PM

    any info filtering thru on this one yet?

     amazons got the cover and blurb.

    just wondered who penned it?


    Veteran Member
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    8/23/2008 2:33 PM

    Well, it's not an Ellis book, so I won't be buying it.

    My guess is it's probably a Milan novel.


    New Member
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    8/23/2008 3:17 PM

    [QUOTE]elsordo wrote

    any info filtering thru on this one yet?

     amazons got the cover and blurb.

    just wondered who penned it?



    Doug wrote it




    New Member
    New Member

    8/25/2008 12:12 PM

    [QUOTE]Llew32 wrote

     elsordo wrote

    any info filtering thru on this one yet?

     amazons got the cover and blurb.

    just wondered who penned it?



    Doug wrote it






    No.  Wrong.  Not mine.

    Ron Miles
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    8/25/2008 12:34 PM

    Interesting.  I haven't heard any word on whose it is yet, but I will do a little sniffing around and see what i can come up with.  I also have several covers to get posted, I've just been snowed under at work for the past two months.  The good news is that the big conference is over, so now I should be able to catch up on things.

    "Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
    )3az )3aziah
    British Bloke
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    8/25/2008 3:23 PM

    Could be Milan as I read this in his forum...

    ...I did a sort of homage to THE GUARDIANS with three of the books I did for Gold Eagle's OUTLANDERS series:  Awakening, Successors, and an as-yet-unreleased novel.  They feature a similar but far from identical set of characters.  In large part, those books are a tribute and thank-you to my loyal fans, who among other things literally helped me keep going through some fairly rough stretches of road in my life....

    Oh god Team Phoney is back from the dead...


    Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
    Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

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    Basic Member
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    8/25/2008 3:45 PM

    I wonder who updated your page on fantastic fiction?

    (A great resource by the you have a page...)


    "Courage is not a man with a gun in his hand. It's knowing you're licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what." - Atticus Finch
    New Member
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    8/25/2008 7:41 PM

    I dunno.  I generally make an effort to correct things for me, and friends like Nate Meyer and Chuck Rogers.

    Millennial Man
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    10/31/2008 1:13 PM

    I got the novel Death Cry last month. The author is Rik okinson. He will be a good addition to our little family.

    New Member
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    10/31/2008 4:49 PM

    [QUOTE]Millennial Man wrote

     He will be a good addition to our little family.


    Uh Oh.... Bad words to say...  

    *waits for the inevitable*

    But anyway, I never heard of Rik Okinson. What else has he written? For which series?



    Cerberus Man
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    10/31/2008 11:26 PM

    There have been a few writers of Outlanders fan-fic...some of it is good, but I'm not interested in paying to read it.  I'll wait for the real thing produced by the real creator.

    "It's better to have a blaster and not need it than to need it and--" "Oh, spare me," Brigid said irritably. (Kane and Brigid Baptiste from Armageddon Axis)
    )3az )3aziah
    British Bloke
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    11/1/2008 11:56 AM

    [QUOTE]Millennial Man wrote

    I got the novel Death Cry last month. The author is Rik okinson. He will be a good addition to our little family.


    A google search turns up nothing for this name so just how we know he will be a good addition is anyones guess unless you post a review of the book

    Its HIGHLY unlikely it will be on par with a Mark production and more likely to be another that takes OL closer to being another DL clone.

    Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
    Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

    Please check out my FLICKR photos
    The Phantom
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    11/1/2008 2:22 PM

    The name inside my copy is Rik Hoskin. A Google search on that might produce better results.

    Millennial Man
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    11/1/2008 2:55 PM

    I did a fast google search on what Rik Hoskin has written.

    1. Spiderman comics   2. Judge Dredd comics    3. Agents of Pysee  4. Other comics too numerous to mention . And in all the rewiews he has received are postive.  So its like he transfering from one meduim to another.  So lets give the guy some room.

    New Member
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    4/5/2009 12:25 PM
    I think Doug would be a amazing writer for it, but oh well
    New Member
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    4/6/2009 2:20 PM
    I think a more amazing writer for it is the series originator, Mark Ellis.
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