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Last Post 5/10/2008 8:26 PM by  Cerberus Man
Fand's stealth ship
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4/25/2008 8:24 PM

    I enjoyed this story as much as any, but at about the time that Fand's 20th century stealth ship arrived at the island, I was wondering where the diesel fuel came from to run it.  Who has the refinery, and how did they learn  to refine diesel fuel?

    For that matter, how did Fand's people learn to operate and maintain this sophisticated machinery?

    New Member
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    4/26/2008 2:25 PM

    Considering that Fand's people - the Tuatha - moved to an alternate dimension, and assisted Enlil in bio-engineering not only the human race but other creatures, I'm pretty sure maintaining a stealth ship, perhaps on bio-diesel, would not be a stretch of technological ability for her.


    Also, didn't they inherit the stealth ship from Strongbow and Quayle?  I remember it appearing in Hell Rising.

    Cerberus Man
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    4/26/2008 2:50 PM

    Fand's people overthrew Strongbow's Imperium Brittania and they apporpriated everything he had set up, including the stealth ship, which was shown in great detail in Hell Rising.

    "It's better to have a blaster and not need it than to need it and--" "Oh, spare me," Brigid said irritably. (Kane and Brigid Baptiste from Armageddon Axis)
    Veteran Member
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    4/27/2008 11:32 PM


    It's fiction. You can have anything you want in fiction, including gasoline powered mat-trans units.

    Clearly with the series there is infrastructure in many of the countries. After all, the Baronies got a lot of their goods from COG sites.

    So, it would be difficult, but it could be done with the materials that were put into storage to repair, or even rebuild small scale refineries to process crude.

    Not all tech was lost, nor the knowledge. It was only a matter of rediscovering it.

    The simple fact is this...

    You can argue the why's and hows of everything. I could, EASILY pick holes in the series if I wanted to.

    Easily. But, because I'm friends with Mark, and because I enjoy the series, I can overlook things like that.

    After all, how can things like, oh say, psionics, exist? It's been part of the James Axler Canon for years. Doomies, psi muties, you name it.

    Can it exist in real life? I doubt it. I'm a huge skeptic. But look at Mask of the Sphinx, which I co-wrote with Mark... I took the city that he created for his DL novel and updated it to Outlanders, and made the entire noble class psionics.

    Every one of them.

    Now, because they don't exist in real life, hmm... I guess we'll just have to suspend our belief in what can, and can't happen.

    People could EASILY say that it can't happen. And many people will. I've met people who won't read any type of fiction because they can't suspend their belief.

    So, bottom line is this. You can think about things logically, and deduce that there is the infrastructure and the manufacturing capabilities in the future, thus suspending belief, or you can nitpick about it.

    Choice is yours.


    New Member
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    4/28/2008 1:28 PM

    According to Savage Sun, the Imeperium Brittania was pretty well industrialized. Fands' people just took over everything when they conquered the place.

    The world building Mark has done in Outlanders makes sense--considering what he had to work with. It holds together in context, IMHO

    New Member
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    5/2/2008 1:00 AM

    Telepathy was a big part of the storyline.  It was Balam's (Balaam's?) primary means of communication with Kane.


    The current book I'm writing has Kane grumbling to Balam, whereever he is for leaving him just sensitive enough to pick up a spurt of telepathic communication, but not enough to figure out who's talking to who or what is being said.

    Cerberus Man
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    5/2/2008 11:13 AM

    I hope Mark tells us what has been going with Balam and Quavell's baby over there in Agartha before too much longer. It's been three years since Children of the Serpent and his fans want to know.

    "It's better to have a blaster and not need it than to need it and--" "Oh, spare me," Brigid said irritably. (Kane and Brigid Baptiste from Armageddon Axis)
    New Member
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    5/2/2008 2:09 PM

    Yeah.  I'd asked Mark about it.  Quavell's baby will be BIG.

    )3az )3aziah
    British Bloke
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    5/2/2008 7:15 PM

    [QUOTE]Skaramine wrote

    Yeah.  I'd asked Mark about it.  Quavell's baby will be BIG.



    Why ?

    Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
    Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

    Please check out my FLICKR photos
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    5/2/2008 8:38 PM

    Let's just say, he's the culmination of the hybrid's boasts.

    (Hey, if a new species aint big, what is?)

    Cerberus Man
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    5/3/2008 12:10 AM

    Quavell's baby is a she...Domi called her Little Quav, Enlil referred to her as Ninlil, since she was originally created to serve as the vessel for his wife's neural patterns.

    "It's better to have a blaster and not need it than to need it and--" "Oh, spare me," Brigid said irritably. (Kane and Brigid Baptiste from Armageddon Axis)
    New Member
    New Member

    5/3/2008 1:40 AM

    Sorry I got the gender wrong.


    And what Enlil WANTED Little Quav to be isn't what Mark had suggested in our little chatfests.

    Cerberus Man
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    5/3/2008 6:27 PM

    Mark answered the question on his forum.

    Not the answer I hoped for,  but they're his characters.


    "It's better to have a blaster and not need it than to need it and--" "Oh, spare me," Brigid said irritably. (Kane and Brigid Baptiste from Armageddon Axis)
    New Member
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    5/3/2008 11:55 PM

    Why would I have lied?


    And, again, I'm not doing anything with little Quav, but have been referencing the genetic manipulation begun by Lord Strongbow in my current book.

    )3az )3aziah
    British Bloke
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    5/4/2008 4:26 PM

    [QUOTE]Skaramine wrote

    Why would I have lied?


    And, again, I'm not doing anything with little Quav, but have been referencing the genetic manipulation begun by Lord Strongbow in my current book.


    So are you going to have one of your books set in New London ? If so I hope you get the language correct

    Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
    Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

    Please check out my FLICKR photos
    New Member
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    5/4/2008 5:57 PM

    No.  The characters are just talking about the genetic engineering that went on in New London as it parallels the plot. 


    Though I do have one character use one of my favorite quaint sayings from the isles - "chin wagging."

    New Member
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    5/8/2008 1:32 PM

    [QUOTE]Skaramine wrote

    Considering that Fand's people - the Tuatha - moved to an alternate dimension, and assisted Enlil in bio-engineering not only the human race but other creatures, I'm pretty sure maintaining a stealth ship, perhaps on bio-diesel, would not be a stretch of technological ability for her.[/QUOTE]

    The Tuatha de Danaan had nothing to do with bioengineering the human race. They came to Earth at least a thousand years after Enlil and the Anunaki left.

    As part of the pact between the Anunnaki and the Danaan they created the Archons as a Custodial Race, blending human, Anunnaki and Danaan DNA.

    Fand had some of the Danaan DNA but she was more human than Danaan. Enlil was her father so she was probably more Anunnaki than Danaan but her human genes were the dominanet ones. The only member of the Danaan race she ever met was Myrrdian in Grailstone Gambit, and he was only half Danaan.


    New Member
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    5/8/2008 6:53 PM

    Yes, long after I wrote that, I double checked the books and Mark's synopsis on his page.  I guess I should have edited that, but then, what the hell, your lot won't give me the time of day because I refuse to be bullied by your friend.


    But hey, at least I'm fixing the continuity I'm entering into the books, keeping it to Mark's vision.  Please, all three of the CVD mafia, continue to harrangue me for errors that won't be going on paper.

    Cerberus Man
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    5/10/2008 8:26 PM

    [QUOTE]Raboy wrote

    As part of the pact between the Anunnaki and the Danaan they created the Archons as a Custodial Race, blending human, Anunnaki and Danaan DNA.[/QUOTE]

    The First Folk, the Custodial Race, were the same blue-skinned beings as Krishna, right?





    "It's better to have a blaster and not need it than to need it and--" "Oh, spare me," Brigid said irritably. (Kane and Brigid Baptiste from Armageddon Axis)
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