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Last Post 9/21/2009 8:37 AM by  Jax2
Weird Westerns?
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8/28/2009 6:48 PM
    Hey Mark--whats the story about those "Weird Westerns" graphic novels you posted about on your Comic related forum? They look cool...
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    8/29/2009 11:55 AM

    They are a couple of projects that came my way recently..."Weird Western" is kind of a subgenre of western, like how post-nuke is a subgenre of SF.

    Generally  to qualify as a "Weird Western", a supernatural, horror or SF element is introduced into a standard western setting

    The Wild Wild West TV series is probably the most well-known example of a "Weird Western"  which of course was a  pervasive influence on Outlanders.

    The Clint Eastwood movie, High Plains Drifterwould qualify as well as the Bruce Campbell cult classic, The Adventures of Brisco County, Jr.

    The upcoming movie version of the comic series, Jonah Hex promises to be a major entry in the  "Weird Western" subgenre.

    The RPG Deadlands is a Weird Western, but more by way of the steampunkish The Wild Wild West.

    I'm working on a couple of interconnected projects: Rio Diabloand Doc Tombstone.

    Rio Diablo revolves around a  wild border town that is equal parts Deadwood and Sin City.  When  maverick US  Marshal  Jim Gage is sent to Rio Diablo to impose a degree of law and order on it, he finds out the wickedness doesn't spring just from its human inhabitants.

    The title character of Doc Tombstone is a gunfighter wrongly accused of murder--he's also accused of being one of the undead. That accusation might actually be true, but even he isn't sure.

    Below are a couple of pieces of preliminary promotional art.

    I'm also working on Gulliver of Mars: Beyond the War of the Worlds.  It's a  steampunk space-opera graphic novel, sort of a turn-of-the-century Star Trek, featuring the first space hero is literature--Gulliver Jones.

    New Member
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    8/30/2009 8:55 AM
    All the pictures of shootin' irons ought to be 100% accurate or there won't be any reason to read them!

    Still looking forward to your Nosferatu graphic novel. Any news on that?
    Bury The Sun
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    8/30/2009 11:54 AM
    ...Well, these WW's actually seem pretty neat... I may even pick one up and check it out if I get the chance... High Plains Drifter is one of my fav westerns for sure but only because of the historical accuracy of the guns... nothing to do with the story line or characters, because those are just fillers... *wink*

    "Better to have weapons and not need them, than to not have weapons when you do need them." -Trader
    Cerberus Man
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    8/30/2009 2:16 PM
    They do seem pretty neat--the pix of the guns in the art look accurate to me, but then I'm more of a "character and plot" guy.

    Rio Diablo and Doc Tombstone are cool western titles.

    "It's better to have a blaster and not need it than to need it and--" "Oh, spare me," Brigid said irritably. (Kane and Brigid Baptiste from Armageddon Axis)
    Bury The Sun
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    8/30/2009 9:34 PM
    lol... WOW! Did you seriously post a signature just to make fun of my signature?! I'm gonna hold my tongue until my dull barbaric brain can stop thinking about guns and ammo for more than 12 seconds... if it was a joke, good job, you actually made me laugh... if it wasn't, well... I'll get over it.

    "Better to have weapons and not need them, than to not have weapons when you do need them." -Trader
    Cerberus Man
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    8/30/2009 11:43 PM

    Definitely a joke.

    Also, it just sums up the fundamental differences in the approach between DL and OL...that old cliche about "musketry" is dead serious in DL, whereas in OL, it's turned into a little comedy routine.

    "It's better to have a blaster and not need it than to need it and--" "Oh, spare me," Brigid said irritably. (Kane and Brigid Baptiste from Armageddon Axis)
    New Member
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    9/12/2009 1:33 PM
    Hey, Mark--

    Anything new going on with your Weird Western graphic novel projects?

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    9/12/2009 5:18 PM

    Working on 'em on top of other things.

    Here's a sample of interior art from Rio Diablo.


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    9/13/2009 10:08 AM
    Mark -

    Is this one going to be full color, or is it going to be what the rest of your Graphic Novels have been, black and white only?

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    9/13/2009 1:42 PM

    Rio Diablo will be in color...we're also planning to do the next volume of The Justice Machine in color, as well.

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    9/14/2009 8:59 AM
    Mark -

    That's pretty cool then. So, what's the ETA for both projects? I'm hazarding a guess probably in the beginning of 10?

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    9/14/2009 10:19 AM
    Yeah, more than likely although The Justice Machine could be available a bit sooner.
    Cerberus Man
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    9/14/2009 1:00 PM
    Wow--that's beautiful artwork! Who's the babe with no irises?
    "It's better to have a blaster and not need it than to need it and--" "Oh, spare me," Brigid said irritably. (Kane and Brigid Baptiste from Armageddon Axis)
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    9/15/2009 12:34 AM
    That's Blazer...she has irises, but you can't see 'em when she manifests her flame powers.

    Here's a group shot that includes her and the rest of the Justice Machine.

    Cerberus Man
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    9/20/2009 5:55 PM
    I'm going to have to put Justice Machine volume two on my buying list...I like the girls in the purple and the red.
    "It's better to have a blaster and not need it than to need it and--" "Oh, spare me," Brigid said irritably. (Kane and Brigid Baptiste from Armageddon Axis)
    New Member
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    9/20/2009 11:08 PM
    What about the Nosferatu graphic novel? Still looking forward to that one...particularly since vampires are so popular right now.
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    9/21/2009 8:37 AM

    Yeah, vampires are enormously popular right now...a few weeks ago, Entertainment Weekly listed the 20 Greatest Vampires...Nosferatu came in at number 11.

    I think he should've been in the top five...but then again, he's not sexy enough for Trueblood.


    The Nosferatu: Plague of Darkness GN should be available for sale next month...appropriately enough.

    I'll let everybody know in advance...that way he won't sneak up on you.

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