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Last Post 3/9/2010 1:35 PM by  Ron Miles
Current Outlanders writer Rik Hoskin writes Superman
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Ron Miles
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Commander In Chief

3/9/2010 1:35 PM
    Some news of interest for Axler fans and comic book fans:

    Rik Hoskin, one of the current "James Axler" writers, has written his first Superman comic strip for DC Comics, USA.  The ten-page Superman story sees print on March 17 in Superman 80-page Giant #1, and will be available from comic book stores.

    Rik is a current contributor to both James Axler's Outlanders and Deathlands series.  He's also well-known as a comic strip writer in the UK, and regularly works on a variety of high profile assignments including Star Wars, Spider-Man and Disney titles.  Although his work is syndicated worldwide, the Superman assignment marks his proper debut in a US comic.

    The strip is illustrated by RB Silva with inks by Alexandre Palamaro.

    Rik Hoskin is one of the few people to have written for both Deathlands and Outlanders.  He has four new "James Axler" novels set for release during 2010 with more to follow.

    "Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
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