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Last Post 4/11/2013 11:00 PM by  UrbanSavage
Scarlet Dream
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7/13/2011 8:25 AM
    the reference to the DL book in Scarlet Dream-- appears on page 45 for those still interested.

    I just finished this one the other day, even after reading reviews here. It was tough to finish this one, no doubt.  I guess I'm just tired of zombies and magic, and magical thinking. I realize it's all just fantasy and silly, but I want to be entertained, and this book barely made the grade for me.

    I didn't see the humor in making DL characters zombies. Kind of a cheap shot. But, hey, it's just pulp fiction.
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    4/11/2013 11:00 PM
    Haven't been here in a while. Sad to see this WORST ever OL once again had people at each others throats. I have every book in both series and got behind reading them because I've been on other reads but this was just...well.....laughable....not funny either...just sad. took me two hours to peruse the entire thing and got the gist of all I needed to know. It was silly, did the author ever read an OL book? WHEN EVER, did Kane say " Restricted area perpetrator-down on your knees!" The insinuation that he's a blithering idiot since it's a zombie not withstanding. The Deathlands refrences? really? Attempt at levity, vialed insult, tribute? can anyone tell me? Jim, I agreed with your review in principle if not 100% on the content. Only positive I can think of...great bad it didn't match the story in any way shape or form. Hope its ok I posted this here Ron since the original thread is locked.
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