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Last Post 10/21/2011 4:47 PM by  ShadowTek
Finally I have a few Outlander books!
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10/7/2011 8:11 PM
    Ok, I picked up GA books 5, 8 and 12, I haven't listened to them yet, but will next week, Its much harder to find Outlander books, but I may just break down and buy the pre-loaded MP3 player or USB stick and buy the first 12 or so. 

    I'll listen to the GA books I bought and go from there, but after hearing Stoneface and Nightmare Passage, I am really looking forward to hearing them, I plan to listen to the Deathland books I havent heard yet, giving me some time to search truckstops to hopefully find book 1+, but if not, I guess I'll just listen to them out of order the first time as I did with the Deathland first 33 books (but after I hear all the books I havent heard yet Im gonna listen to Deathlands from book 1 to 34) hopefully by then if I can resist, I'll have at least the first 10 or so outlanders books, it seems that the first 51 books of outlanders is similar to the first 33 Deathlands books.
    New Member
    New Member

    10/12/2011 8:56 AM
      it seems that the first 51 books of outlanders is similar to the first 33 Deathlands books.

    Dude the Outlanders series as written by Mark Ellis is nothing like the first 33 Deathlands books...unless you mean something else.
    Ron Miles
    Website Owner
    Commander In Chief
    Commander In Chief

    10/12/2011 10:59 AM
    They really aren't similar at all, aside from the fact that that set of DL books was written by a single author with very tight continuity, and that set of OL books was primarily written (or overseen) by a single author with a tiny handful of exceptions, and also features very tight continuity.

    For DL after that point it becomes a rotating group of authors, and so the book-to-book continuity goes out the window.

    For OL, after that point the series has one new primary author plus one secondary author, and the two of them work very closely to maintain continuity. Obviously there are very strong feelings among some readers regarding the departure of the original creator/author of Outlanders, and the overall style of the series has changed to some degree, but book-to-book continuity remains tight.
    "Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    10/14/2011 3:02 PM
    Hi, Im aware that Mark Ellis wrote Outlanders and there different from DL, what I had ment was that I also know that Mark Ellis wrote Nightmare Passage, Demons of Eden and Stoneface and I liked them allot, so I was simply mentioning as I liked his DL books (that is his style of writing) and that I would probably like Outlanders, Sorry I didn't clarify that better
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    10/21/2011 4:47 PM
    Picked up two more books this week, but still wont start listening yet as I still dont have 1-3 yet, but I got book 4 and book 11 GA books this week.. I'll probably have GA books 1-12 by the time I have the first 3 so it will be cool if it hooks me as I'll have 12 books to listen to
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