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Last Post 5/18/2009 6:05 PM by  AP
Desperately seeking Purgatory Road
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5/17/2009 4:19 AM
    Hi I live in the UK and am stuck at Outlanders series Putgatory Road. Any one have a good copy (not heavily used) that they would be willing to let me have at a reasonable price. Also need Apocalypse Unborn if possible . Thanks. Can paypal. Regards Richard Coleman (gumble) - e-mail
    )3az )3aziah
    British Bloke
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    5/17/2009 9:33 AM
    Hey gumble, welcome aboard. Where about in the UK are you living ?

    There are a number of second hand copies for sale here:


    The first on the list is going for £1.67 plus £2.75 P+P from the states and is in good used condition.

    I have got several books form the used book section of Amazon and not had a bad one yet.


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    5/17/2009 9:33 AM


    Weird thing about AU is that it sold out of print in a little over four months. I'm not talking about back ordered/out of stock--it was no longer available at Amazon or B&N.  I emailed the ed in chief at GE and asked if they'd had a "distastrous, highly localized warehouse fire," but he never responded.  I wish I'd bought a couple of cases of AU when I had the chance--new copies on are going for $25 U.S.D. and up.  Used copies in weak condition are currently almost as much as the original cover price. The prices on the other Amazon sites (uk, france) are even more ridiculous, $50-100 U.S.D. What gives, I have no clue.

    I have four new copies of AU that I shrink-wrapped--but under the circumstances they are not for sale. Oddly enough, by accident GE sent me a full case of DL Labyrinth by mistake (instead of the usual ten copies), so I have lots of copies of that one--which isn't selling for anything near what AU is.

    Ron Miles
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    5/17/2009 9:50 AM
    I have an autographed copy of Apocalypse Unborn I'd be willing to part with for, oh, a thousand bucks?
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    5/17/2009 10:09 AM
    Posted By Ron Miles on 17 May 2009 09:50 AM
    I have an autographed copy of Apocalypse Unborn I'd be willing to part with for, oh, a thousand bucks?

    Believe it or not, this is a prime investment opportunity (like buying up ocean-view condos in Florida)--there are at most only three or four autographed copies of this book in existence.  I have no intention of autographing any more, and while I am not one foot in the grave, my spring-chickenhood is well behind me.
    Cerberus Man
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    5/17/2009 3:06 PM
    I have an autographed copy of Purgatory Road (the whole Imperator Wars trilogy actually) I wouldn't part with for a thousand jillion dollars!
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    5/18/2009 4:05 PM

    Thanks to all that replied to my post. I'll pick up a copy of Outlanders PR later. but I cannot understand you guys ranting over the rarity of AU - just picked up a newish copy for about $8 !

    Also a book is only worth what someone will pay you for it. Maybe I'm wrong here - and you guys wanna build a retirement fund - but in time yes the book may go up in value (autographed too) , but will anybody really care about our beloved DL series in twenty years ? OK yeah we will, but I guess we all grew up with the nuke hovering over our head !!

    Oh your right I would not buy it for a zillion dollars - import tax would be a killer but not as much as UK members of parliament expense claims - UK people will understand !!

    Thanks again,

    PS not new to the site - only returning after a few years
    of absence ! To be honest I just wanted to copy my short story 'one night only' from the DL Archive to my new laptop and posted a query ! 

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    5/18/2009 6:05 PM
    Posted By gumble on 18 May 2009 04:05 PM

    Thanks to all that replied to my post. I'll pick up a copy of Outlanders PR later. but I cannot understand you guys ranting over the rarity of AU - just picked up a newish copy for about $8 !

    Gumble, the point was you bought a used, less than one year old copy of AU for a buck MORE than the cover price. That just doesn’t happen with non-LJ DLs. Look up the other titles in the series, you can buy most of them on Amazon for a buck fifty (or less) plus ($4.00) postage and handling.

    If rarity doesn’t drive up prices, then what does? Can you get toasted inhaling the smoke from AU’s pages? (Hey, get back to me on that; like I said I’ve got four copies sealed in baggies.)

    Seriously, I hope the book entertains you.

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