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Last Post 1/17/2011 8:46 PM by  Flynn
Outlanders Collection for Sale
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1/17/2011 8:46 PM
    Hi Folks,

    After years of collecting and reading I am selling my collection of Outlanders books. Since Mark stopped writing them I haven't been reading them regularly anyway. I have the following as well as the three Earthblood novels.

    Destiny Run
    Parallax Red
    Doomstar Relic - poor condition
    Night Eternal
    Outer Darkness
    Armageddon Axis
    Wreath of Fire
    Shadow Scourge
    Hell Rising
    Doom Dynasty
    Tigers of Heaven
    Purgatory Road
    Sargasso Plunder x2
    Tomb of Time
    Prodigal Chalice x2
    Devil in the Moon
    Dragon Eye
    Far Empire
    Equinox Zero x2
    Talon and Fang
    Sea of Plague
    Mad Gods Wrath
    Sun Lord
    Mask of the Sphinx
    Uluru Destiny
    Evil Abyss
    Children of the Serpent
    Cerberus Storm
    Rim of the World

    Deep Trek
    Aurora Quest

    There is even duplicates of three of them. I'd like to get $100 for the whole lot plus the cost of shipping and handling. That's about $3 a book. Nearly all are in very good shape some new. The only poor condition book is Doomstar Relic. I've enjoyed them but its time for them to move along before they are destroyed in my leaky basement.

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