Forums The Ex-Axlers
The Ex-Axlers
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3 Topics and 0 Replies Mark Ellis  3  0  A forum for fans of Mark Ellis, creator and long-time author of the Outlanders series.
The Falcon: Resurrected
by  Ron Miles
7/4/2015 12:09 PM
3 0
The Falcon: Resurrected
by  Ron Miles
7/4/2015 12:09 PM
4 Topics and 5 Replies Rik Hoskin  4  5  A forum for fans of Rik Hoskin, author of several Deathlands and Outlanders titles including 'Apocalypse Unborn'.
Hercules: The Legendary J...
by  Ron Miles
11/10/2015 8:29 AM
4 5
Hercules: The Legendary J...
by  Ron Miles
11/10/2015 8:29 AM
1 Topics and 1 Replies Victor Milan  1  1  A forum for fans of Victor Milan, author of several Outlanders and Deathlands titles including 'Devil's Vortex'.
RE: The Dinosaur Lords
by  AP
7/5/2015 10:59 AM
1 1
RE: The Dinosaur Lords
by  AP
7/5/2015 10:59 AM
0 Topics and 0 Replies Alan Philipson  0  0  A forum for fans of Alan Philipson, author of several Deathlands titles including 'End Day'.

0 0

1 Topics and 6 Replies Chuck Rogers  1  6  A forum for fans of Chuck Rogers, author of several Deathlands titles including 'Blood Red Tide'.
RE: Cover artwork for Chu...
by  silentalbino
1/15/2017 6:23 PM
1 6
RE: Cover artwork for Chu...
by  silentalbino
1/15/2017 6:23 PM
0 Topics and 0 Replies Douglas Wojtowicz  0  0  A forum for fans of Douglas Wojtowicz, author of several Outlanders titles including 'Angel of Doom'.

0 0

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DEATHLANDS, OUTLANDERS, EARTH BLOOD, ROGUE ANGEL, ALEX ARCHER, and JAMES AXLER are all the property of GOLD EAGLE/Graphic Audio LLC, a division of RBmedia, and are used strictly under Fair use guidelines.