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Last Post 7/21/2012 4:52 AM by  OneFallenShadow
Possible Timeline Paradox...
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2/2/2012 6:02 PM
    In the Wiki section, under Timeline 2 (1800 to skydark)...

    Jan 19th: ... During a misjump from England, Grant watches as C.W. Thrush kills the Soviet ambassador and then sets the timer that will detonate the nuclear warhead below the embassy in Washington, D.C.

    Now, in Deathlands: Pilgrimage to Hell, Ambassador Vorishin was attending the presidential inauguration when the nuclear warheads detonated and he was vaporized in the initial blast.  I haven't read much of the Outlanders series, but well versed in Deathlands.

    So the questions would be...

    If Thrush killed the ambassador, who was at the inauguration ceremony?

    Also, the Ambassador V.A. Vorishin didn't even have access to the area where the warhead was hidden, so how'd he come to be there?

    It just kinda peaked my interest when I saw it on the Wiki page.
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    3/24/2012 4:24 AM
    Maybe the person who wrote the Outlanders novel hadn't read Pilgrimage to Hell...
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    3/24/2012 3:57 PM
    Not bloody likely since I was that person.

    In the original Omega Path manuscript it was explained that the Vorishin attending the inauguratiion was actually one of Colonel Thrush's bodies, resculpted to look like Vorishin.

    That paragraph was deleted.

    This is just another example of the fne copy-editing on part of GE...the same practice that had Ryan and Co. discussing "Lea" lines instead of "ley" lines, weapons specs being arbitrarily changed so the writer came off as an ignoramous and the city of Harappa being renamed "Hardpan."

    I could provide many more examples, but you get the idea.
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    7/21/2012 4:52 AM
    Thanks! I was wondering. Really answered a paradox.
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