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Last Post 2/23/2012 5:25 AM by  silentalbino
My latest publication...
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Veteran Member
Veteran Member

2/7/2012 9:55 PM
    After a delay of 4 months due to my publisher's computer crashing, a project that I started has been at last released.

    It's for the Mutant Future RPG and it is a weekly E publication called Wisdom from the Wastelands.


    Best part is the price. It's only a buck! =)

    This is but the first. I personally have written enough issues to cover a six month period.

    I also have no less than FOUR books coming out eventually. One was supposed to have been published last year but I kept adding more and more material to it, and as a result it had to be cut into three separate books.

    But no matter what, my material is being published.

    Just had to share.

    The Phantom
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    2/8/2012 2:14 PM
    That's great news Chris!

    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    2/9/2012 2:44 PM
    Congrats, man. It's a real rush seeing your name in print - I've co-written a couple RPG books myself.
    Veteran Member
    Veteran Member

    2/16/2012 9:14 PM
    Thanks guys!

    My second issue came out on Tuesday at Midnight and by lunch today it hit #4 on the top 100 small publishers best selling list over at

    Things are looking damn good!

    )3az )3aziah
    British Bloke
    Veteran Member
    Veteran Member

    2/22/2012 4:02 PM
    Nice one Chris, its good to see your stuff in print. I think at the price you are asking you are being way, way under sold.

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    Veteran Member
    Veteran Member

    2/22/2012 7:02 PM
    Hey, Jim -

    Not in the least dude. To be honest, the weekly e-zine is going to make me FAR more money in the long run. By the way it's selling, I expect that I am getting about 50 sales in a week's time for each issue. After that, it drops dramatically.

    BUT... even making a whopping .20 cents an issue, that's on average $30 a month, and I will be putting out at least 2 issues a month (I have one other author working with me, so he'll be getting 1 to 2 issues each month).

    I've already made more money off the weekly E-zine than I did with my 'Creatures from the Tropical Wastes' that came out in Sept. Then again, I only sold about 45 copies of that in total to date. I have a feeling though that number will increase quite a bit as my name gets more and more recognized in the RPG community.

    Besides, I still have my 3 mutation books, 1 genotype book (essentially animal and plant rules), and power armor rules coming out in the next year.

    It's not the kind of money that novels make, but when you consider that this is just a hobby.... =)

    Although I still hope to sell my zombie trilogy, IF Permuted press ever starts accepting submissions again!

    Advanced Member
    Advanced Member

    2/23/2012 5:25 AM
    There is a publisher on the Uk called Abbadon books that specialize in Zombie book's, maybe drop them a line.
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