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Last Post 4/12/2012 7:22 PM by  Jax2
Has anybody noticed Outlanders not being in bookstores anymore?
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3/16/2012 9:00 PM
Posted By Jax2 on 16 Mar 2012 08:19 PM

Hey, I think I remember that scene of Krysty and Ryan postcoital cuddling next to the overflowing latrine. It was very touching...pure poetry.


You're making me blush.  (Why should Chuck be the only one embarrassed by a compliment?) 

As you know, I modeled each of my DLs on the works of Shakespeare--the book in question obviously drew heavily upon Two Turds of Verona ... and of course, Romeo and Toilette.

Don't know about you, but I find these discussions of mechanics and craft refreshing.

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3/16/2012 10:11 PM
When writing my DLs, I was heavily influenced by The Taming of the Poo...
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3/16/2012 10:42 PM
It seems you and I have much more in common with Stephenie Meyer than the casual reader might suspect.

Did I ever tell you I can see her house from here?
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3/18/2012 1:42 PM
One of these days when I find the time (and the inclination), I'll write up the genesis of what became the Outlanders series....there's nobody left at Gold Eagle who was a part of it, so as the creator I'm entitled to the final word on its history.

I always remember how Eva, the former DL/OL editor, reported to me how a couple of editorial folks were very dismayed by Brigid--they were expecting another mewling "oh, lover" Krysty clone and instead I gave them a heroine who could've carried her own series.

That attitude is particularly ironic in hindsight because without Brigid blazing the trail, it's highly unlikely Gold Eagle would've thought a female lead could carry her own series...and there wouldn't have been a Rogue Angel.
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3/21/2012 3:38 PM
A lot of us wish you would post about the genesis of the OL series. That would be cool.
)3az )3aziah
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3/21/2012 7:53 PM
Posted By Daniel on 21 Mar 2012 03:38 PM
A lot of us wish you would post about the genesis of the OL series. That would be cool.

You can add me to the list of "Please do"'s


Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

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3/21/2012 7:57 PM
Yup, me too.
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3/22/2012 2:03 PM
I should get around to it..I'm the only person who actually has all the inside details...and not to mention that in a little over month, it'll be 15 years since Exile to Hell appeared...the fact that series is still going is pretty much a testament to the durability of my characters and concepts.

Actually, I'm pretty sure the Outlanders series is the last of its ongoing midlist mass-market paperback series that was creatted by one writer instead of the usual editorial committee.

Hmm...I guess I'll start the history with these words:

"Without The Wild, Wild West there wouldn't have been an Outlanders."
)3az )3aziah
British Bloke
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3/22/2012 8:13 PM
Perhaps you should leave it until the anniversary and then post it. I really cant believe that the first OL book was that long ago. It is a real pity you still don't have the helm on it, or could have pulled the plug when the series reached its canonical end.


Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

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4/11/2012 10:12 PM
Posted By Jax2 on 16 Mar 2012 08:19 PM

Hey, I think I remember that scene of Krysty and Ryan postcoital cuddling next to the overflowing latrine. It was very touching...pure poetry.


 What Book was that, Scavvie of the Week in Playboy just aint doing it for me and well you know
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4/12/2012 2:20 PM
Posted By Jax2 on 22 Mar 2012 02:03 PM

"Without The Wild, Wild West there wouldn't have been an Outlanders."
I've been watching the DVDs of the first season of Wild, Wild West and in the commentary Robert Conrad mentions one of the producers always liked to have three things in the show...a strong villain, a gorgeous woman, and something bizarre.

 Sounds like Outlanders to me!

"Courage is not a man with a gun in his hand. It's knowing you're licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what." - Atticus Finch
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4/12/2012 7:22 PM
That was definitely my philosophy in regards to writing Outlanders...or anything for that matter.

But I ended up writing OL--writing for Gold Eagle period--was because the imprint had been offered the literary rights to The Wild, Wild West.

The then-executive editor, Feroze Mohammed, contacted me about writing a four book series based on the show due to the comic mini-series I had written to generally good reviews a few years before.

Feroze wasn't aware of the comic series...I believe Will Murray mentioned it and me to him.

But the deal for a WWW novel series fell when I created Outlanders, I added the Sin-Eater in the forearm holster as a homage to Jim West's sleeve derringer.

And of course...there's Sindri, who I always pictured as a bit more in proportion version of Michael Dunn.

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