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Last Post 9/1/2012 10:42 AM by  ACMERAVEN
Complete Outlanders Book series for sale
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New Member
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4/2/2012 3:03 PM

    I too am selling my Outlanders series. My collection is complete up to "Infestation Cubed." These books are in near mint condition with no spine creasing or curled edges. I've made it a point to keep these books tip top but alas the day has come to part with my collection. Sad to see them go....


    Looking to get $100 for the complete collection. You can drop me a message on here or my e-mail '' or both!!

    Thanks for looking

    Oh yes, and I can take some pics upon request.....

    Advanced Member
    Advanced Member

    4/4/2012 3:20 PM

    Hmmm, seems like yet another Outlanders fan is OUT.


    Infestation Cubed? I couldn't even finish it. And I really tried...

    New Member
    New Member

    5/17/2012 1:49 PM
    These have been sold. Thanks for looking!
    New Member
    New Member

    9/1/2012 10:42 AM
    I want your entire collection.  Contact me to complete transaction to your satisfaction.  Paul Pilgrim   14 N Washington St.  Dillon, Mt 59725     Email is  RIP@QWESTOFFICE.NET 
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