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Last Post 10/4/2012 4:19 PM by  silentalbino
What would you miss the most in the deathland's.
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Advanced Member
Advanced Member

5/1/2012 11:57 AM
Looking forward to things hitting the stores like the latest book,DVD or album.
Basic Member
Basic Member

5/25/2012 11:18 PM

Clean well water. Also video games.


When In Redoubt
New Member
New Member

8/31/2012 6:26 PM
Probably the first would be sleep--as noted already, Deathlands is triple red all the time. Having to scavenge, trade or make everything would really make me miss stores. Easy food. Soap. Deodorant. New books, tv shows.

Pretty much everything.

But first would still definately be sleep.
Advanced Member
Advanced Member

10/4/2012 4:19 PM
Not the infamous bedside manner of our NHS DRs.
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