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Last Post 5/30/2012 11:58 AM by  )3az )3aziah
Ol DL reverse
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5/28/2012 7:40 PM
    Hey all, do you think that it would have been better if they stuck with the formula Outlanders coming out in 86 and Deathlands in 97 that that would have been better overall or do you think that they did it correct even though some of the fans feel like the 2 series are going down? I was thinking about this today, maybe it would have been good?..
    )3az )3aziah
    British Bloke
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    5/28/2012 7:45 PM
    I don't understand your question?

    Without Deathlands we would not have had Outlanders in the format we have today. Mark Ellis has explained the genesis of Outlanders several times here in the past and on his own website.

    As for your final comment, why do you think it would have been better to have Outlanders published first and Deathlands to follow?

    Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
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    5/28/2012 10:35 PM
    WOW, never mind Jim.  I will say this: had a DL only fan would have said something along the lines of w/out DL, we would not have had Outlanders in the format we have today like I did a couple of years ago  that person (even the ones who did research, yes, there were 2)  would have been verbally, well, typed assaulted via umm you guys. Now I am going to back off and let this go and yes Jim Ill stick with what I know DL.
    New Member
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    5/28/2012 10:52 PM
    Hey Jim sorry for the attitidude, I needed to walk around a second.  This is the time where i wish i  can talk to you face to let you know im not angry more confused and im sure we dont mean to each to be mean to each other ( I dont) but i cant help and scream WHAT!!!! when I get a response like what you just said. Had I said something like that I probably had my head bitten off, but this series has a somewhat unique approach, I still dont quite understand how it goes but let me rephrase my question.  Lets say in 86 Outlanders came out first with Kane and company and have the adventures and in 97 Deathlands came out with Trader/Ryan and co you know here is what happened before Outlanders   Deathlands. You know what I mean, like they did with Star Wars. For some odd reason, the way you guys were talking about Palace of Light For some reason, that thought clicked in my head and I thought for a second that it MIGHT HAVE done some good. Just wanted your thoughts and sorry for the attitude. HAHA.
    The Phantom
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    5/30/2012 4:15 AM

    If OL had come out first, I don't think there would be the same house name attached to both series. They probably would not be in the same "Axlerverse" either.

    I would think Mark might have had more of his vision of how he wanted OL to go from the start. One example comes to mind the Cerberus crew would have had their base of operations in Area 51 or some such place like that, and also the mat trans chambers and some other things related to the DL universe would not have been in the series.

    If DL came out some years after OL, I think it would have been more likely to be a series unrelated to OL. Unless Mark was involved in the creation process of it and even wrote some to start it off then maybe it could have been some kind of spin-off of sorts, but most likely I would say DL would have been separate from OL and there would not be any comparisons between the two.


    )3az )3aziah
    British Bloke
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    5/30/2012 11:58 AM
    Posted By darkravenangel on 28 May 2012 10:35 PM
    WOW, never mind Jim.  I will say this: had a DL only fan would have said something along the lines of w/out DL, we would not have had Outlanders in the format we have today like I did a couple of years ago  that person (even the ones who did research, yes, there were 2)  would have been verbally, well, typed assaulted via umm you guys. Now I am going to back off and let this go and yes Jim Ill stick with what I know DL.

    Sorry that was my fault. I speed read your post and it came over as a jumble, had i stopped and read it fully my answer would have been something along the lines that Phantom posted afterwards.

    In almost all cases what we type is not what we would say if we came face to face with each other. Furthermore even though we both speak, read and write the same language the syntax and use of words can be poles appart. Its a classic "You say TOM-ATE-OH and I say TOM-ART-OH..."

    Its my fault and I apologise, in future I will take the time -and effort, to read posts fully before going off on a rant.


    Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
    Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

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