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Last Post 12/7/2013 2:30 PM by  Darrgoth
Thoughts on Outlanders Graphic Audio adaptations?
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6/11/2012 8:53 PM

    I'm currently up to the second volume of the Graphic Audio Outlanders adaptations, and I'm curious what others think of these productions.  While I really appreciate GA and what they're doing, so far I've found the Outlanders adaptations to be pretty bad. 

    For one, the casting choices are just horrendous.  Why in the world did they pick a narrator with such a southern twang?  The guy pronounces "bullet" like "bew-let."  Almost as bad is the voice for Domi -- her voice sounds like it should be on "South Park."  But worst of all BY FAR is the voice for Brigid Baptiste, which is just teeth-grating in its awfulness.  She sounds like Selma from Scooby Doo, that same sort of nasally "librarian girl" sort of voice, and thus instills that sort of image in the listener's mind.  Which is funny, because Brigid is described as sexy and etc...but every time she speaks, she kills that image.  (A MUCH better job is done by the lady who does Krysty's voice in the Deathlands SHE sounds sexy, despite what the actress herself might look like in person.)

    So anyway, is the same cast used throughout the Outlanders GA adaptations?  Does anyone else feel the same, or actually appreciate this cast?

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    6/12/2012 2:17 AM
    I had my issues with some of the voice talent choices, too...not the narrator, though.

    It took me a long time to get used to Brigid's voice but I never found Domi's voice anything like the one I "heard" in my head.

    Everybody else was pretty good, though...except for when Sindri shows up. He was voiced as weird combination of Dexter (as of Laboratory fame, not Morgan) and Peter Lorre.
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    6/12/2012 2:08 PM
    I'm glad to hear I'm not alone. The narrator in this second volume is actually much better than in the first one -- I know it's the same guy, but he toned down his "regional" voice a little.

    I forgot to mention the voice of Grant in my post. The voice acting for that one too really drives me nuts. For one, I can't help but suspect they got a white dude to do a black guy's voice, because that's what it sounds like. But more importantly, the voice for Grant sounds almost identical to the voice for Kane. Actually even more importantly than that -- the actor who does Grant consistently provides some atrocious line deliveries. Without fail, every line falls flat or just comes off as at odds with the tone of the scene or the line itself.

    Any ideas why they made Domi sound like Kenny (or whoever it is) from South Park?

    So then I take it this cast sticks around for the long haul? I'll have to get used to them. I switch off between Deathlands and Outlanders during my commute to and from work, and so far I've been enjoying the Outlanders stories more, but production-wise I prefer the Deathlands cast (plus the frequent hot & heavy sex scenes with Ryan and Krysty always serve to make me chuckle -- what a way to start a morning!).
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    6/15/2012 8:27 PM

    I kinda like Brigid's voice...sorta reminds me of Gillian Anderson.

    Librarian works for me.

    Brigid really shouldn't have a mewling sex-kitten type of voice like they use for Krysty.

    Domi is pretty annoying though.

    "Courage is not a man with a gun in his hand. It's knowing you're licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what." - Atticus Finch
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    7/31/2012 9:43 PM

    I've felt the same about the voices(not the narrator)Also for some reason all the sound effects drown out the narrator's voice,anyone else notice the same thing?

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    7/31/2012 11:26 PM
    Never listened to Outlanders audio but always thought JB's voice was "off" in Dl.
    New Member
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    2/26/2013 2:06 AM
    Is outlanders a full cast?
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    12/7/2013 2:29 PM
    I personally think the voices are perfect for all of the characters. Then again I didn't read the books from the start and got into the Audio books right away so I didn't develop voices with my own imagination. But all things considered they have done a damn good job considering it is just a handful of people doing all the voices.
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    12/7/2013 2:30 PM
    I thought Domi's voice at first was weird but it really grows on you.
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    DEATHLANDS, OUTLANDERS, EARTH BLOOD, ROGUE ANGEL, ALEX ARCHER, and JAMES AXLER are all the property of GOLD EAGLE/Graphic Audio LLC, a division of RBmedia, and are used strictly under Fair use guidelines.