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Last Post 9/14/2012 4:36 PM by  lexa
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WoT Vet07
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8/27/2012 4:03 PM
    Finished reading God War, hope Rosie changes her mind about leaving Cerberus.  She and Kane seem to have a chemistry which makes for more interesting reading than the anam-chara link with Brigid.  Maybe Shizuka, who seems to genuinely like Rosalia (to Grant's chagrin) will talk her into staying?  I think Shizuka sees Rosie as a ronin type character who is in search of a cause or home.  Anyway, it seems a waste if her intelligence and resourcefulness are utilized merely for survival as a wondering mercenary.  
    New Member
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    8/30/2012 9:49 AM
    I agree. I think Rosalia has been one of Rik Hoskin's best additions to the Outlanders series and there's clearly more places to go with her, such as this mysterious 'convent' that raised her. And the possiblity of romantic involvement does make her relationship with Kane interestingly different to the one he has with Brigid.
    Advanced Member
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    8/30/2012 10:55 AM
    You mean to tell me that Kane STILL hasn't gotten laid in all this time by the numerous hot chicks he comes across?!
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    8/30/2012 4:04 PM
    Kane has gotten laid plenty of times....but unlike when writing DL I never stopped a Outlanders story dead to cram in a mechanical OSS (Obligatory Sex Scene)...but just for you, here's the list of books where he "did it" on stage.

    Hellbound Fury, Night Eternal, Outer Darkness, Hell Rising, Doom Dynasty, Tigers of Heaven (between those last two books, he was laid enough for at least another two years worth of novels).

    I also implied very heavily that Kane had regular sex partners among the Indian madis down in Sky Dog's village and among some of the female Manitus Moonbase emigres.
    Advanced Member
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    8/31/2012 10:18 AM

    Hmmm, the only time I remember Kane finally gettin' some is when he was in another casement and being forcibly raped by hybrids until he was drip dry. (Poor bastard!)


    Other than that, he argued with Brigid and ignored hot babes on the side, either while out on exotic locales, or at home base.  Now, on the other hand, Grant got laid quite a bit more in graphic detail with Domi and Shizuka.

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    9/2/2012 4:55 PM

    I think Rosalia would be a good edition to the Cerebrus team because it would

    1. introduce Domi to someone who is also from the her time period.

    2. someone who is not a member of the Baronies ruling elite (hopefully).

    3. She might also be someone who can discuss tactics  with both Kane and Grant.

    These are just my feeling. I only hope that her past does not become a source of problem for the entire redoubt and Tigers of Heaven clans because there would be so much collateral damage!.

    WoT Vet07
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    9/2/2012 7:09 PM
    Rosalia, while not a techie like Brigid seems to have had a classical education and excell at "outside the box" thinking.  She seems to like "guy humor" and is equally likely to answer a question with a smart ass reply as opposed to Brigid who is always logical and polite.  Rosie seems amused by Magistrate men "speeches" but wasn't swayed when Kane asked her to stay, maybe she's playing hard to get?
    Basic Member
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    9/3/2012 10:18 AM
    If you read Outlanders for sex you:

    A) Are reading the wrong series

    B) Need to get out more

    C) All of the above
    "Courage is not a man with a gun in his hand. It's knowing you're licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what." - Atticus Finch
    WoT Vet07
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    9/3/2012 8:01 PM


    Being open minded, I will assume you aren't trolling.  I like the OL story primarily for the action and intrigue.  However, that doesn't mean that character development has to be sacrificed.  Part of that is interpersonal relations, who likes who, who can't stand the other one's presence.  I'm bored as Hell with the "Trinity", I personally was hoping that Evil Brigid would continue her sabbatical while performing more dark deeds for Ulli.  Actually, Brigid Haight was way more interesting to read; with all her drinking, swearing, and gratuitous violence.  Much more interesting to read about than her debating semantics and philosophy with Lakesh in the Cerberus Ops room.

    One legged Enlil has made a vow of vengance against Cerberus, I hope the author(s) follow thru with this and have him going Medievel, doing something really diabolical from out of Left Field. I think shaking up the Trinity is just what the plot needs, new characters that don't always agree with the original Cerberus members.

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    9/5/2012 11:13 AM

    Well written!


    I have no idea about those OL themes that have already come out, due in cause that I totally lost interest in that series unfortunately.


    And God did I try to get my interest back!


    What you wrote made me more interested than the last couple I tried. Yes, sex AND violence go hand in hand in this type of world and adventure series. Its is a staple.

    Basic Member
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    9/7/2012 3:16 PM

    There is a difference between character development and what Mark so eloquently termed mechanical the majority of sex scenes in DL which do nothing to either advance the story or develop character.

    The only thing they advance in this reader is extreme boredom.

    If someone is actually reading OL (at least the classic volumes by Mark) for sexual titillation they would be much better served by a copy of Hustler or any of a billion sites on the internet.

    I have never been ever to understand the need for the OSS, unless it really does somehow increase sales for some reason. In this day and age if someone is really buying these books for the cardboard sex scenes they DO need to get out more.
    "Courage is not a man with a gun in his hand. It's knowing you're licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what." - Atticus Finch
    )3az )3aziah
    British Bloke
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    9/8/2012 11:16 AM
    Posted By lexa on 02 Sep 2012 04:55 PM

    1. introduce Domi to someone who is also from the her time period.

    What do you mean by this? Domi is as much of the same "time period" as the rest of the main characters in the series.



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    )3az )3aziah
    British Bloke
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    9/8/2012 11:20 AM
    I'm sure I am missing a post from this thread, where did it go Ron?

    Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
    Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

    Please check out my FLICKR photos
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    9/14/2012 4:36 PM
    Unless I am mistaken most of the individuals currently residing in Cereberus are individuals who are referred to as "Freezies". These were not born during her timeline and tend to cling to their previous lives. These people do not know what it is to live in a hell zone nor can they comment on hunting food for survival. I am not referring to Kane, Bridgid or Grant.
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