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Last Post 12/7/2012 10:14 AM by  Ron Miles
Has anybody read these post-holocaust novels?
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12/7/2012 10:00 AM

    I just finished Justin Cronin's The Passage and brand-new novel, The Twelve. They were both good, even though many times I got angry at the writer's lack of detail towards the Twelve giant vampires that destroyed the world. I applaud him on his epic-feel and numerous characters that were mostly interesting. That's a helluva lot of characters to keep up with!

    I didn't think the action parts were bad, but after reading such greatly written action books that are dedicated to this website, they were adequate. Has anybody else read these books?

    Ron Miles
    Website Owner
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    Commander In Chief

    12/7/2012 10:14 AM
    My review of The Passage:

    Overall I did enjoy it quite a bit, but I found myself frequently frustrated by Cronin's seeming refusal to write about actual events. He will spend pages on foreshadowing, teasing things like "The Night of Blades and Stars", take the story right up to the moment of the event, and then abruptly skip ahead to the aftermath. He did that kind of thing so often in the book, it truly drove me to distraction.
    "Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
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