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Last Post 1/16/2013 11:04 AM by  )3az )3aziah
Companion's weapons over the years.
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1/12/2013 6:10 PM

    Hello , I was hoping someone could point me , to a thread that lists the weapons that the companions have carried or used over the course of the series .

     I'm looking for a weapons list of things that they used as a regular weapon not something they picked up in battle .

    Also I seem to recall that Doc carried a 36 cal. Lemat at one time and I can't find when and where he switched to a 44 cal. one.


    )3az )3aziah
    British Bloke
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    1/14/2013 4:27 AM
    i was gonig to say check out the archive pages from the tabs at the top of the page but they no longer appear to be working??

    Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
    Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

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    )3az )3aziah
    British Bloke
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    1/15/2013 6:51 AM
    It's working again thanks to Ron's quick action, so...

    Check out the archive pages under the tab above, or click to go to the front page

    or here for a list of the weapons the characters carried -valid to around 2000 or so...

    Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
    Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

    Please check out my FLICKR photos
    Basic Member
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    1/16/2013 9:58 AM
    He swapped out his weapon for the .44 in Cold Asylum. Well... "swapped out" is a relative term - he lost the old one while crossing a river.
    )3az )3aziah
    British Bloke
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    1/16/2013 11:04 AM
    Posted By Kerrick on 1/16/2013 9:58:19 AM
    He swapped out his weapon for the .44 in Cold Asylum. Well... "swapped out" is a relative term - he lost the old one while crossing a river.

    ...and handy danderly found his new one at the end of the same book 

    Talk about good luck



    Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
    Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

    Please check out my FLICKR photos
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