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Last Post 5/21/2013 12:56 PM by  silentalbino
New Star Trek Film
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5/9/2013 2:42 PM

    Anyone seen this yet??? Have just seen it at the "pictures" and it was pretty f-ing awesome.

    Benedict Cumberbatch is amazing as always.

    Ron Miles
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    5/9/2013 2:45 PM
    Doesn't come out in the States until next week.
    "Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
    Advanced Member
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    5/9/2013 2:48 PM
    Always thought you guys got these things first. Worth a watch.
    )3az )3aziah
    British Bloke
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    5/9/2013 5:25 PM
    Star trek it isn't by a long mark. The first one was just one huge chain of far fetched chance meetings that proved that good old JJ is anything but a trek fan. Like the first this too will most likely score quite highly on my shite-o-meter.
    Rant off.

    Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
    Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

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    Advanced Member
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    5/10/2013 11:13 AM
    Star Trek lite??? It's good cause I can take the Missus to watch it and she actually say's that it was"o.k" as opposed to the old ones which she point blank refuses to watch.
    The first reboot was to funny the first time I watched it but once you get used to it, it works somehow.
    New Member
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    5/14/2013 12:54 PM
    My main problem with Star Trek has always been Kirk and Spock... cant stand them, or the original series, or any of the films it spawned. For me Star Trek should be strictly a TV show only. Having said all that I like jj's take on the subject and more importantly I like his Kirk and Spock (as does the missus...ditto all Mr Albino said above)
    Advanced Member
    Advanced Member

    5/19/2013 11:03 AM

    I just saw the new Trek film last night. I thought it was great popcorn cinema fun. I loved the original series the best, and personally I think J J Abrams is embracing that with solid movie-making. It was fun excitement with incredible effects and camera work. The actors are solid, too.


    And J J Abrams wasn't even a fan of this series! 


    He's a fan of Star Wars. So, can you imagine what he's gonna do with a body of work He Does Like?


    I can't wait.

    Advanced Member
    Advanced Member

    5/21/2013 12:56 PM
    I should imagine they will be frickin awesome.
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