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Last Post 5/17/2013 10:14 AM by  Maximus
An Axler wriiter pens a Doctor Who comic strip
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Ron Miles
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Commander In Chief

5/16/2013 12:25 PM

    FYI - James Axler scribe Rik Hoskin has written a strip in this week's Doctor Who Adventures weekly comic. It's issue #320, and being a weekly UK magazine it is only available on the news stands for the next seven days (now through next Wednesday, May 23rd).  The strip even contains a nod to James Axler, with an alien race called the Raxel (an anagram of 'Axler').

    My local comic shop in Central Florida does carry Doctor Who Adventures, although it tends to be delayed. If you are interested in seeing the strip and are in North America, I would suggest checking your friendly local comic shop. If they don't have it in stock, they can almost certainly order it for you. While you are there, check out the new-ish ongoing Planet of the Apes comic, it is surprisingly good.

    "Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
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    5/17/2013 10:14 AM

    The Planet of the Apes comics are terrific! Wish the movies would follow this story arc that BOOM studios started with. Artist Carlos Magno is the best!!


    The other two titles are OK, but not as good as Daryl Gregory's writing and Magno's artwork. 

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