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Last Post 7/26/2013 2:45 AM by  twinsrule26
Status Update
 10 Replies
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Ron Miles
Website Owner
Commander In Chief
Commander In Chief

6/25/2013 7:58 PM

    So here's the state of things as far as I am aware:

    1. Forum moderation is broken with the latest update. The only potential fix is a beta version of the forum software that is specifically noted as not being ready for production. I don't know when a stable version will be ready. That leaves me with the options of either turning off forum moderation, which terrifies me, or leaving it as is, which means new users like Shane will never see their posts go live because I can't moderate them to approve them. Both options suck. I honestly don't know what to do.

    2. Apparently many users are completely unable to load the site at all now. It seems to be an issue with IE8, but I have been unable to reproduce it. There is also a weird sporadic issue where, after logging in, the user winds up on an error screen that says "object has moved". I don't know why.

    3. I am in the busiest time of the year for my job, handling all of the technical aspects of a major conference with 4,000 attendees at the Bellagio. I have little to no free time to troubleshoot these issues.

    So, I feel like I am letting you all down, but it is what it is. I am trying to avoid making rash decisions like burning the whole thing to the ground. I appreciate your patience.

    "Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
    New Member
    New Member

    6/26/2013 12:31 AM
    im a patient guy (i have 4 young kids) so i wont be bailing on you guys.
    Advanced Member
    Advanced Member

    6/26/2013 4:03 AM
    Not letting us down, mate.
    )3az )3aziah
    British Bloke
    Veteran Member
    Veteran Member

    6/26/2013 6:34 AM
    I have no issues or complaints, well not with you or the site that is.

    Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
    Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

    Please check out my FLICKR photos
    )3az )3aziah
    British Bloke
    Veteran Member
    Veteran Member

    6/26/2013 6:38 AM
    Oh, I did get the object has moved page when I first logged into the site from my Sons new W8 laptop, refreshing the page made it go away and took me to where I should have been though. I have not seen it since.


    Billy Fish: He wants to know if we are gods.
    Peachy Carnehan: Not gods - Englishmen. The next best thing.

    Please check out my FLICKR photos
    New Member
    New Member

    6/29/2013 4:29 AM
    No problems here, using windows 7. Oh and your new avatar was done by a friend of mine.
    Ron Miles
    Website Owner
    Commander In Chief
    Commander In Chief

    6/29/2013 9:02 AM
    What, Lord of the Fries zombie? Really?
    "Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
    New Member
    New Member

    6/29/2013 3:04 PM
    Yup. In fact he and I recently made a new zombie game together.
    Ron Miles
    Website Owner
    Commander In Chief
    Commander In Chief

    6/29/2013 6:34 PM
    That's awesome! I used to have several Cheapass Games that I loved -- Lord of the Fries, Give Me the Brain, The Great Brain Robbery.... Haven't played any of them in forever.
    "Sadly then I knew the answer. All her life she was a dancer, but no one ever played the song she knew." - The Residents
    New Member
    New Member

    6/29/2013 10:23 PM
    Ron, send me an e-mail with an address and I will be happy to send you a copy of "Deadfellas."
    It's fun for the whole family. (seriously, it's quick, easy to learn and play.)
    Basic Member
    Basic Member

    7/26/2013 2:45 AM
    Hi I got on here by using Google Chrome but when I use IE all I get is the page header and nothing else.
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