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Last Post 7/28/2013 9:40 PM by  AP
Where are all the book reviewers?
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7/25/2013 12:56 PM

    What happened to all those book reviewers that used to be on this site?

    I see only me reviewing both series. 


    Where are all your voices and feelings towards the latest Deathlands and Outlanders books?

    The Phantom
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    7/25/2013 4:37 PM

    I have recently put in reviews for Shadow World, Breakthrough, Doom Helix, and Damnation Road Show.

    Will post more when I get around to reading some more of Alan's books, which I am really enjoying a lot.

    Have not read any Outlanders books in some time, hopefully will get around to some in the future.


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    7/27/2013 3:13 PM

    The Phantom,

    Thanks for the kind words. Nothing pleases a writer more than knowing a reader "gets it." A paycheck is a close second, of course.


    The Phantom
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    7/28/2013 12:55 PM

    You're welcome Alan. I just remembered I still need to track down that Destroyer novel of yours then I should have all of your Gold Eagle stuff. 


    Freelance Editor
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    7/28/2013 3:47 PM
    Al wrote a Destroyer novel? Why didn't I know that.
    New Member
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    7/28/2013 6:32 PM
    American Obsession is also available by GraphicAudio.
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    7/28/2013 9:40 PM
    I explained that brief detour into Destroyer land somewhere on this site I think. According to the Destroyer fan base, it was a sad little dead end road. Mike Newton and I got bamboozled into being fill-in writers while the GE powers at the time messed with the head of the full-time ghost who wanted (gasp) more money. Warren Murphy, who I've known for 30 years (ouch), didn't seem to mind the book. Considering  I had never followed the series, was given no series bible, only handed a few books by different Destroyer authors to work from, and considering at the time I didn't have a current phone number for Warren to ask him anything (and GE wouldn't give it to me), I think I turned out a decent pulp novel. For it to have actually been a decent Destroyer novel (with accurate character quirks developed over 50 plus books) would have taken the intervention of a Higher Power.
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