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Last Post 9/8/2013 4:53 PM by  silentalbino
Will Ryan and co ever escape the deathlands?
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8/15/2013 9:38 AM
    I've been a long time reader of the deathlands series and think it's about time they begin to build continuity between books. As the series progressed more and more secrets were revealed about the deathlands. Building continuity doesn't have to signal the beginning of the end, but allow the reader something to look forward to as well as build a gradual understanding of past, present and possible future events. Anyway the companions by now have a better understanding of predark tech than anyone in deathlands other than Magus and a few others. They are already aware of other casements and how the people from it came to be on their plane of existence. I wish the writers would explore this a little more, Why not have the companions jump to another casement (how that happens leave it up to the writers) there are modified mat trans units hidden all throughout deathlands. How about them in a story(ies) jumping to other casements in a gamble to find a life outside of deathlands, with Ryan or the others possibly meeting their doubles (and what they would have been like if the war never occurred) I know most are curious as to how Ryan and the companions will escape their living nightmare. I know I am, simply just having them travel back in time to escape is not really escape in my opinion.  There is still so much life that can be extracted from the series, if the company and writers were more open minded.
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    8/15/2013 11:37 AM

    You made several solid comments about where DL could possible go - almost all of which I've posted for a while now.


    DL could greatly benefit from bursting out of its own bubble. I've been wishing for a large-scale trilogy of the companions making a chron jump. Endless possibilities there.


    And also more casement jumps, like Shadow World.


    Hopefully, sooner or later, some writer or writers, along with Gold Eagle editors, will listen. 


    But I wouldn't hold your breath...

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    8/16/2013 12:17 AM

    Not to toot mine own horn, but in the DL book I am currently writing our heroes take a big, big, jaunt outside the Deathlands.  Can't give spoilers as it hasn't been accepted yet much less published.


    Advanced Member
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    8/16/2013 9:44 AM

    I knew we could count on you Chuck!


    And the fact that Gold Eagle doesn't just give you carpe diem for this series by all the love thrown your way in your first 2 books....

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    8/16/2013 10:13 AM

    Chuck, the last terrific book you wrote had the companions out of the DL and in Canada.


    So, do you mean another country trek...or off the planet or, dare I type - another dimension! 


    Either way, I cannot wait!

    The Phantom
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    8/16/2013 12:08 PM
    Posted By Chuck on 8/16/2013 12:17:08 AM

    Not to toot mine own horn, but in the DL book I am currently writing our heroes take a big, big, jaunt outside the Deathlands.  Can't give spoilers as it hasn't been accepted yet much less published.


    *waves banner of support in front of GE editor*



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    8/16/2013 11:07 PM
    Posted By Maximus on 8/16/2013 10:13:10 AM

    Chuck, the last terrific book you wrote had the companions out of the DL and in Canada.


    So, do you mean another country trek...or off the planet or, dare I type - another dimension! 


    Either way, I cannot wait!

    I think you mean "carte blanche". "Carpe diem" means "sieze the day".

    Still, I look forward to another Chuck book, no matter where they go.

    Basic Member
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    9/7/2013 6:26 PM
    I would like to see a trip by the team to another US embassy mat-trans. maybe in Australia or in the middle east somewhere.
    A trip to Germany or France could be fun maybe have them arrive and the Mat-trans breaks down leaving them with the choice of having to go either to Moscow or over to Britain to get to a working Mat -trans. unit .
    Advanced Member
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    9/8/2013 11:02 AM
    Amen to that idea!
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    9/8/2013 4:53 PM
    Posted By twinsrule26 on 9/7/2013 6:26:47 PM
    I would like to see a trip by the team to another US embassy mat-trans. maybe in Australia or in the middle east somewhere.
    A trip to Germany or France could be fun maybe have them arrive and the Mat-trans breaks down leaving them with the choice of having to go either to Moscow or over to Britain to get to a working Mat -trans. unit .

    With Chuck at the helm.
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