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Last Post 11/14/2013 11:22 AM by  Maximus
Other Post-Holocaust must reads
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11/8/2013 11:11 AM

    I don't know why I never mentioned this book series before, but if anyone out there has not read Peter Clines before, then you are in for a treat!

    If you like post-holocaust zombie novels, then Clines' Ex-Heroes is for you. It is now a trilogy, with a 4th book coming out January. I am currently reading the 3rd book. 

    I'd be surprised if comic-book lover, Mark Ellis himself, didn't know of this series.

    It is the perfect blending of zombie apocalypse novels with X-Men like main characters. A passing meteor turns the vast majority of Earth's environs to 'exes' - the name given to ex-humans, who shamble about and eat everything in their path.

    But the meteor also gave a small number of normal humans super powers. From one being like Superman, to a gorgeous and very intelligent woman becoming something akin to a female Batman. She is very badass, dectective-like like Batman, and very mysterious, never letting anyone get close to her, nor see her true face behind the mask.

    A fairly new character that is introduced in the awesome 2nd book - Ex-Patriots - reminds me a lot of Grant from Outlanders. Except he is a nearly 7-foot supersoldier black man named Captain John Carter. Although named after the famous Edgar Rice Burroughs character, he is modeled after Captain America, but is described as a bald black man who weighs nearly 300 pounds of solid muscle, and wears a long leather coat and cammies. (Sound familiar?)

    If you think this all sounds cheesy - trust me, it isn't. It has a great and interesting cast of characters, who actually evolve in their relationships in just the first 2 books.  (Listen up Deathlands and Outlanders executives and editors and writers!) Which makes you actually care for these ever-growing, (and sometimes killed off like The Walking Dead TV series), characters.

    Very fast-paced, with lots of bloody and gory action sequences that would make Hollywood blush, I really think you will thank me profusely after you read the first novel.


    Advanced Member
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    11/8/2013 11:23 AM
    I've got all three! Got such a crush on Stealth it's unreal. It's really well written and darkly comic.
    Advanced Member
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    11/8/2013 2:32 PM

    Yes, Stealth is a beautiful badass!

    So glad someone here knows the series. They tons of 5-star ratings on Amazon - and for good reason!

    I just started the 3rd one. Have you read all 3?

    Advanced Member
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    11/8/2013 2:37 PM
    I've read the first two and gotten about a quarter of the way through the third one and then started reading something else. Don't worry I'm just easily distracted.
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    11/14/2013 11:22 AM

    Has anyone here read the 4 end of world type books by James Wesley Rawles?

    I can't get into them. 

    I actually read A. American's 1st book, Going Home. It was good, but found myself speed-reading about the last 1/3 of the book. It didn't leave me with wanting to read the next 2 books that are out now.

    Anyone read these books? Opinions? They both have TONS of reviews and sell lots of books.

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